Learning fastai part 2

the last two days i learned: implemented sampling candidate APIs in ToolFormer and read 2/5 the GPT-3 paper

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TIL: wrote 1/2 half the filtering API calls in ToolFormer, how to generate responses that align with human preferences without human labelling (Constitutional AI paper), how a language model can answer questions that contain images (MCTR paper), global gradient clipping

the last three days i learned: implemented 90% of the ToolFormer paper (next refactor the code, add support for custom APIs, and benchmark it), how to evaluate language model’s behavior, assess dataset quality, and red team LMs

the last two days i learned: wrote 1/5 support batch and execute API calls in parallel for the ToolFormer paper, read 1/7 the superposition of artificial neurons, context distillation in AI alignment, and some basics of JAX

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the last six days i learned: 1/5 Dreamerv3, 1/5 editing memory in language models, sandwiching experiments in oversight models

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TIL: implemented 10/10 ToolFormer, read 1.5/5 DreamerV3, 1/5 Flamingo

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the last three days i learned: add inference to ToolFormer (the last time i forgot it), what cause catastrophic forgeting in ANN, quantitatively evaluate transfer learning, basic of GNN, langchain

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the last two days i learned: implemented 70% Prioritized Level Replay (PLR) paper, some basics of pfrl and langchain lib


the last 5 days i learned: more on REPAIED paper, ray framework

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the last three days i learned: how to quantitatively measure semantic similarity of different goal-conditioning embeddings, how GATO works, the world model in DreamerV3, how to train RL agents using only video, and about open-ended task systems in XLAND, hyperparamer tuning using ray, + torch_geometric

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the last five days i learned: reimplemented 0.5/10 Toy Models of Superposition and 1/10 flashattention, how dreamerv3 represents the latent state of an observation + ray framework

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the last few days i learned: how to write custom autograd functions, do activation patching, 1/4 model parallelism, reimplemented 3/10 FlashAttention, and some basics of JAX

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the last two days i learned: how to calculate induction score, split an image into patches in vision transformer, and some basics of jax

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the last two days i learned: how to store intermediate activations, create GCP resources using terraform, write parallel training scripts using accelerate, and execute tasks in a flow in parallel using prefect and metaflow

the last four days i learned: 1/5 direct logit attribution, logit lens, how to run a task on AWS batch, built 1/10 data pipeline, and training pipeline

the last two days i learned: 15% superposition, 20% on how and why model parallelism, pipeline parallelism, deepspeed, mix-precision training work, wrote code to upload data to a data lake (will add pipeline), vpc in aws, and some basics of jax

the last three days i learned: how superposition relates to adversarial attacks (just learned the surface), some basics of model parallelism and distributed programming (will dig deeper), how and why gradient accumulation, mixed-precision training works, and wrote code send training data to a data warehouse

the last three days i learned: how to visualize features using optimization + identify which part of an input activates a neuron (yes, will dig more), wrote the forward pass of data parallelism, and how tensor parallelism works (will put them all together)

the last four days i learned: 1/2 of how to compute interference and polysemanticity of features, wrote code to split a model into partitions that utilize all GPUs, and reimplemented 2/5 of parallel MLPs in Megatron-LM, how to use CUDA stream

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the last three days i learned: 2/2 how to calculate interference and polysemanticity of latent features, reimplemented 2/2 the forward and 1/2 backward pass of ColumnParallelLinear in Megatron-LM, 2/10 how to implement schedule execution order and calculation dependencies in TorchPipe, and 1/5 how to launch a training pipeline on Kubernetes

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