Would anyone want to form a study group in London? I thnk it would be difficult to take the class at that time of the night all alone. We can group up so that each one of us is regular and motivated. Or we can decide to meetup on other suitable time if anyone thinks so.
Shivam, if you (or anyone else) is interested, we have a fairly well established fastai-related Slack channel as part of the London Data Science Workshop meetup group. Auto-enrolment for this channel is here: https://launchpass.com/datascienceworkshop
We set this channel up when we ran a seven-week deep learning/fastai study group in London over the summer, which I wrote about here: London fastai study group review
There are already a few of us in the group planning to watch live when the new series starts up in ten days’ time.
As I mentioned upthread, we did run an in-person study group at the London Data Science Workshop for the MOOC over the summer. We may do it again when the new MOOC is launched in the New Year, but we don’t have anything planned to run concurrently with the new lecture series.
But don’t let that stop anyone from organising their own group, of course!
I’m using Salamander.ai this time around (last time I used Paperspace and also some Google Colab). I’d love to own a GPU but the decent ones don’t come cheap!
Hi, I have just launched a discussion thread on fastai study groups to gather feedback from organizers and participants to identify best practices and avoid some gaps.
You will find more information in this post. Thank you if you can participate in the discussion