In-class discussion: Introductory workshop

Numpy Tutorial: Numpy Tutorial


Thanks, been a while since I used markdown, but its coming back to me…

Where do I provide my aws id? @jeremy mentioned a sheet. thanks!

Why do we need to ssh to Paperspace even though we can access it via browser?

Check your 2nd email from about the introductory workshop which is taking place right now. They have provided the link in that email itself.

check your mails, its at the bottom of the mail.

Can we start a machine that has been shut down on either AWS or Paperspace from our local terminals (via ssh or something)?

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The archived version of last year’s Part 1 has a lot of excellent into about setting up ssh with AWS, including some scripts to automate some things (including remotely starting and stopping)

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If you are an international fellow, check emails from Jeremy for AWS spreadsheet. If USF in-person, check for email from Mindi.

There are scripts here that were setup for the Part 1 course version 1 that use an older AMI.

You’d need to modify them to work with the new Deep Learning Ubuntu AMIs.

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Did not receive an email for aws spreadsheet, looked at spam too …

You can’t start a machine that’s shutdown via SSH. AWS has a CLI that can help you start it through the command line, but I don’t know about PaperSpace. You’ll can always start the machine through the GUI and shut it down other ways.

I have downloaded the pem file to a windows directory. How do I refer to that directory from my Ubuntu system, and how do I get that file into my Ubuntu system?

Can you please post a link of the archived version of last year’s part 1 ?

That’s a link to the getting started page; the AWS setup video is worth watching and very helpful, but will be somewhat different this year due to the new software setup (so don’t actually install the AMI, for example)


@yinterian Will Slack be used for communicating for this course or will everything be done through this forum ?

I remember @jeremy saying we would use discourse (this forum) for all the discussions and communications. If you want mobile access to forum you can download the discourse app and link to stay connected.