In-class discussion: Introductory workshop

Huh, thanks - nothing wrong with my class declaration, just with my calling it. I guess I should have a default value to idiot-proof it :slight_smile:

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So can you use init or init interchangeably?

EDIT: Ah, the __init__ gets converted to bold if you don’t put ticks around it!

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No __init__ has special meaning in python. Check dunders for more info.

@Chris_Palmer you should surround your code in triple backticks so it’s not interpreted as markdown.


OK, will do next time - thanks ‘’‘init’’ is was then


Wrap code snippets in **``** (triple backtick) like \``some code```

Some Code

Even single back tick works if its a one liner

triple ticks didn’t work! bakcticks? __init__

Yannet’s presentation slides:


You can add this to your ~/.ssh/config

Host paperspace
	HostName your_public_ip
	User paperspace

then you just use
ssh paperspace to connect


Here’s some triple back tick code:

def something(foo):

Here’s how to create it:

def something(foo):

We will be doing the programming in jupyter notebooks in paperspace or aws desktop, then can somebody tell me the significance of the setups done in our own windows machines ? Is it mainly for the people having a dedicated GPU in their machines ?

@yinterian can you share slides? I need to try ssh since I’ve not done it before.

brew install ssh-copy-id

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Who did go with Crestle? How does it stable with its browser-only Jupyter session?

It’s for an offline feel of the setup. We Will def need more juice so we’ll use Online resources later for sure.

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Thanks. :slight_smile: How about paperspace?

Thank you. For cygwin?