Help me understand Lesson 10 (Part 2)! :)

That’s what I did at first, but the subset of LaTeX that works on the Markdown implementation of this forums is apparently not enough to render my equations, that’s why I had to switch to codecogs. They’re simple GIF now, so they should render on any device … maybe you looked at the post before I edited and switched to the external tool?

By the way, it’s not like codecogs is a speech/handwriting recognition app, I still had to type those in there so I’m not sure what you mean by suggesting a LaTeX Cheatsheet :sweat_smile:

Back on topic,

The same could be said for the two 3x3 convs versus a 5x5 conv as well though. Most likely a combination of reasons…

I think point 2 is probably “solved” by now, I still don’t understand point 1, aka “you’re just shuffling the numbers” but If not proven wrong I’ll just assume that what he meant was similar to what I expressed here

so in the end we do agree even on this topic, just expressed in a way that made it hard for me to rally see it!