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This error comes when there is an outdated or no c++ complier on the system. The work around would be to either update visual studio or install the latest version of visual studio code on your computer. The first answer for the question may be helpful for your reference:

How to use ReduceLROnPlateau Callback ? Do we pass on like metrics or call on learn ? It’s not mentioned in docs yet.

Actually it is now :wink:
@radek this is your baby, so feel free to document it better.


Does someone have a good way to preserve a notebook’s cell output? I really like Jeremy’s experimentation approach and do it a lot. I copy cells, change something, then run to compare to the previous output. I generally comment out the code in the old cell to avoid accidentally rerunning it. Here’s a simple example:

I find it very helpful to be able to compare several different runs. But sometimes I accidentally hit shift-enter in a commented cell and it erases the output.

I’m guessing somebody in the fastai community has figured out some clever way to preserve cell output until you no longer need it!

I have seen some approaches to saving nb state, large file outputs, etc., but this would be a way to just save cell output one at a time.


8 minutes later - duh…:grinning:

Ok it’s pretty easy to just copy the cell output, change the cell to markdown, then paste the output in after the code:

But if anyone has a smoother way I’d love to hear it!


Could you please tell about using custom models from either torchvision or custom with create_cnn ? create_body by default passes pretrained bool value (resnet in fastai for instance take (pretrained,**kwargs) but other models expect (input,**kwargs) input tensor to be passed. I also discussed this earlier ,here

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If you want to use your custom model, you can’t use create_cnn, you have to create your learner with learn = Learner(data, model).


When I run git pull, I get the following error:

 error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Read-only file system

I tried to modify the FETCH_HEAD file permissions by

 sudo chmod a+rw .git/FETCH_HEAD

It says it changed permissions (changing permissions of ‘.git/FETCH_HEAD’: Read-only file system) but it still is read only. What am I missing. My UNIX is rusty to say the least…

Running on my own linux laptop with GPU is case that is helpful.

Sorry if this is a repeat somewhere but I really could not find a good solution to this


How can I train resnet34 model on svg images. Do I need to convert those to jpeg or not?

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Thanks for Learner. Is this the right usage of callback ? Also how to use multiple callbacks ?

You can use multiple callbacks by sending a list of callbacks to the callbacks argument when defining the Learner.

But some callbacks require learn object to be passed on to them like ReduceLROnPlateau or SaveModelCallback, so a list of callbacks may not work in those cases ?

You can either pass the learn object or use the callback_fns argument to pass a list of callbacks in, wrapped in the partial function, like this:

learn = create_cnn(data, models.resnet34, metrics=error_rate, callback_fns=[partial(ReduceLROnPlateauCallback, monitor='val_loss', mode='auto', patience=0, factor=0.2, min_delta=0), partial(SaveModelCallback, monitor='val_loss', mode='auto', every='improvement', name='bestmodel')])


First of all, I want to say thank you to Jeremy and all the community. I just get a first job as a machine learning engineer :smiley: . This course and this forum help me a lot on getting knowledge in machine learning and persisting with my choice.

I will work with action recognition from multi cameras (for ex: recognize people putting thing in a cart) . And by the way, I want to ask if someone have experience on this problem ? With ?

Thank you so much in advance,


Trying to make my first PR request for a small typo in the docs (start small!), but am I right in thinking that this commit makes these instructions on how to contribute to the docs out-of-date, as there now is no folder docs_src in fastai_docs?

thank you! btw, do you know if fastai is beta version or alpha?

Our IT “requires” “beta” version.

Not sure. Did you try deleting course v3 folder and cloning it again?

Can anyone explain this:


Is something badly wrong or is that not a problem? This was after running resnet50 on my dataset of dog images (to solve the ever-important problem of classifying huskies, American Eskimos and miniature dachshunds…:grin:). If it helps explain this, I ran for 24 epochs with max_lr=0.001 and got what seems to be good output:



I got a basically similar strange lr plot using resnet34, so it’s not the model.

Any ideas?


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How much increment in training time does callback add approximately like ReduceLROnPlateau? Any idea ?

Just wanted to make clear, does create_cnn only works with models defined in fastai, what other functionalities does it hold over Learner? I mean we can use the same models with Learner as well.