Fastai v2 daily code walk-thrus

Walk-thru 8:


Was there a walk thru today ?.

Only on weekdays.


Walk thru will be 10 mins late today


Walk-thru 9 posted


@jeremy , Interesting that during the first few minutes of a live-stream by Siraj Raval
a few hours ago, the fastai course was showcased, with the possibility of Siraj creating video tutorials.
(My apologies if this is off-topic.)

keep in mind that Siraj Raval is mainly a YouTuber. I used to watch his videos but then I realized that sometimes he didn’t know what he actually was doing. Don’t get me wrong, his videos are a good start for very beginners, so to get some concept at swallow level. But at the end of the day, fastai courses are far better designed and taught. Said that, if he will create some tutorials with fastai, I hope that this will bring many new enthusiastic into this community :wink:


:grinning: Agree completely that the incredible quality and innovation of as a research organisation coupled with its practical courses with a non-academic teaching approach is unique and unsurpassed! I have been a huge fan since the very beginning. It’s now pleasing to see fastai ‘ambassadors’ providing additional airtime (generally with appropriate accreditation to Jeremy and team) for its invaluable course content.
Here is the latest video from Siraj, based on the fastai image recognition lesson (starting at the 5:07 mark)

I find it disturbing that, while in the middle of [social media] controversy regarding fraudulent activities, Siraj would choose this particular time to associate himself explicitly with fastai. I believe his hope is to use fastai’s legitimacy to bolster his damaged reputation. He is definitely clever at one thing- and that’s profiting from the achievements of others and their reputations.

What’s the purpose of Siraj-branded fastai “tutorials” when there are freely available MOOCs teaching about fastai in great detail and extremely well-done by fastai itself? The courses are freely available, so is the documentation, so are the wikis, and there is a vibrant, responsive online community in these forums, the local meetups, at TWiML, and DSNet. Not only that, but the courses are extremely accessible for beginners and already taught using a “top down” approach. Also, from the livestream shared yesterday, it hardly seems Siraj has bothered to go through the MOOC or review the library, so it would make no sense for him to portray himself as a fastai expert and “teach” it, especially when it’s already taught! It’s hard to see this as anything other than a wild hope for positive associations with “reputable” researchers and a popular library/course to boost his tarnished reputation.

I believe he is hoping that Jeremy will praise him publicly in order to gain exposure to Siraj’s YouTube fans. It’s a strategy that has worked for him in the past with others in the field, leaving their audience scratching their heads (and theorizing online) as to “why”? Hopefully, this is yet another miscalculation because I can’t see much benefit to fastai reinforcing this play for “association”, especially at this time. (Honestly, I would even find it a bit disappointing.)


Just to clarify - I wouldn’t do that for Siraj or anyone unless I actually watched and liked their material. Not that I have any reason to question his intentions in creating this material, mind you.


@jeremy Can you please update the YouTube playlist? It’s currently only showing the first 6 videos. Thanks!

Done! Thanks for the reminder.

Today’s walk-thru will be the last one for now, since we’ve covered all the key stuff at this point (except for learner/callbacks, which were already covered in detail in part 2 v3 of the course). Live stream 2.30p pacific:

There might be more walk-thrus in a few weeks if any more interesting topics pop up…


Will you potentially demonstrate an end-to-end training example? Also, have there been any significant changes to the callback system since the part 2 course?


Walk thru 10:


thank you for these great walk thru’s. Is it possible to cover a walk thru for Audio data ?.

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Sorry for the delay, I just saw this. The audio module isn’t as mature as the rest of v2 so a walkthrough wouldn’t be that useful, but we have a lot of audio resources if you’re looking to get started. See the Deep Learning With Audio Thread and post any questions or share what you’re working on/interested in. Or for now try out the fastai v1 audio library (external).

We also have a telegram chat for audio ML, if that interests you DM me your telegram details and I’ll get you in.


Anyone has same problem? self.items cannot set attribute. if I change items to any other name, it will works.

@fanyi we fixed that yesterday, so you’ll need to git pull. BTW fastai.text v2 is less stable or well tested compared to at this point, so expect daily changes and bugs.

Thank you very much!