Fastai v2 chat

You might be interested in other approach for Siamese. One samples pairs of the same class in the dataset, pack in batches and negatives are mined in the batch. No specific class needed.

I have implemented it for patch descriptor learning:


Btw, is there a way to skip computing validation loss?

You can raiske a CancelValidation error (canā€™t remember the exact name but you should find it easily) that will skip the validation phase.
If the questions is skipping loss but still computing other metrics, the answer is no however.

I always use

pip install git+ --upgrade
pip install git+ --upgrade

which is the better approach?

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I donā€™t know, I just added the branch at the end.

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Skipping loss, but do val. Ok, Iā€™ll do my callback then

So youā€™ve written imshow_torch to work with that, thatā€™s pretty cool !

I wonder what would happen if you call _pre_show_batch on your dataloaders :thinking:

I was running lr_find and I see this printed

@log_args had an issue on LabelSmoothingCrossEntropy.__init__ -> missing a required argument: 'self'

Itā€™s not throwing any error though, anything to be concerned about?

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I think that you need to install it again, they updated something and need last fastcore.

You should try to install it again:

pip install git+
pip install git+

I did, this happened after I updated it. Before installing the latest one I was getting an error.

Itā€™s a warning you can ignore, we are working on fixing those.

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Can you share the notebook?
Even if it does not happen anymore Iā€™d like to check it works as intended and you may have an edge case.

Here is a minimal example:

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Quick qeustion, is there a Resize (pre size) images method on V2? To resize all images before running the trianing?

No, there is no utility for that.

Thanks, I found the issue and am sending a PR. This should not affect your program. This is mainly used by WandbCallback.

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Does everything in the for fastai v1 still apply to v2, or are there important differences?

A post was split to a new topic: Questions on nbdev

I only have labels for my validation data, how should I build my dsets? I tried doing the following:

tls_raw = TfmdLists(fns, [lambda o:], splits=splits)
tls_train = TfmdLists(tls_raw.train, [tkzer, nmzer], split_idx=0)
dset_valid = Datasets(tls_raw.valid, [[tkzer, nmzer], [parent_label]], split_idx=1)

tknzer and nmzer are just instances of Tokenizer and Numericalize

The problem is that dset_valid is still considering itā€™s items to be part of the training set

At the end I would like to have a single Datasets object, where if I do dset.train[0] it returns only an item and dset.valid[0] returns (item,label)

Itā€™s not necessary to follow this TfmdLists approach, this is just my best idea to solve this so farā€¦ Iā€™m open to new easier ways :smile:

If you have such different structures for training and validation, you canā€™t have them in a single Datasets objects. When you are finished and independently created the DataLoaders, you can combine them in a DataLoaders.

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