Lesson 1 你的宠物
ytcropper Lesson 0 How to get GPU running
- Lesson 0 How to get GPU running gpu
What else do you need to get started
- Jupyter notebook基础
- Python 基础,学习资源
- 做实验的心态准备
How to make the most out of these lesson videos and notebooks
- 从头看到尾,不要纠结概念细节
- 一边看,一边跑代码
- 试试实验代码
what you expect to be with fastai course
- 成为世界级水准深度学习实践者,构建和训练具备达到甚至超越学术界state of art水平的模型
为什么我们要跟着Jeremy Howard学习
why should we learn from Jeremy Howard
- 从事 ML 实践25年+
- 起始于麦肯锡首位数据分析专员,然后进入大咨询领域
- 创建并运行了多个初创企业
- 成为Kaggle主席
- 成为Kaggle排行第一级的参赛者
- 创建了Enlitic, 史上第一个深度学习医疗公司
- San Francisco大学教职人员
- 与Rachel Thomas共同创建了fastai
- 是务实非学术风格,聚焦于用深度学习做有用的事情
How to make DL accessible to everyone to do useful things
- 创建fastai library
- 能用最简洁,最快速,最可靠的构建深度学习模型
- 创建fast.ai系列课程
- 帮助更多人免费便捷地学习
- 将学术论文成果落地 fastai library
- 将学术界最高水平的技术融入到fastai library中,让所有人便捷使用
- 创建维护学习社区
- 让深度学习实践者能够找到并帮助彼此
How much to invest and What I get out
- 我们需要投入都少精力学习?
- 看完课程视频至少需要14小时,完成代码实验整个课程至少需要70-80小时
- 当然具体情况,因人而异
- 有人全职学习
- 也有人只看视频,不做作业,只需要获取课程概要
- 如果跟玩整个课程,你将能够做到:
- 在世界级水平实践深度学习,甚至训练出打败学术state of art水平的模型
- 对任意图片数据集做分类
- 对文本做情感分类
- 预测连锁超市销售额
- 创建类似Netflix的电影推荐系统
Prerequisites and False assumptions and claims on DL
- 仅凭1年python和高中数学,你是无法学会深度学习的!
- fast.ai让其不攻自破
- 深度学习是黑箱,无法理解
- 很多模型是可解释可理解的
- 比如可以用可视化工具理解CNN参数的功能
- 需要巨量数据才能做深度学习
- 迁移学习不需要大量数据
- 可分享的训练好的模型
- 做前沿研究需要博士学位为前提
- fastai 或则 keras libs 和MOOCs就足够了
- Jeremy只有哲学学位
- 好应用仅限于视觉识别领域
- 优秀应用同样存在于speech, tabular data, time series领域
- 需要大量GPU为前提
- 一个云端GPU即可,甚至是免费的
- 当然对于大型项目,的确需要多个GPU
- 深度学习不是真正的AI
- 我们不是在造人造大脑
- 我们只是在用深度学习做造福世界的事情
What will you be able to do at the end of lesson 1
- 创建你的图片数据集的分类器
- 你甚至可以仅用30张图实现曲棍球和棒球的接近完美的分类器训练
What is fastai learning philosophy
- 从代码开始,然后在尝试理解理论
- 不需要在博士最后一年才开始真正写代码做项目
- 创造多个模型,研究模型内部结构,掌握良好的深度学习实践者的直觉
- 用Jupyter notebooks做大量代码实验
如何像专业人士一样使用jupyter notebook
12:30-13:17 *
How to use Jupyter notebook as a pro
- 从最基础的快捷键开始,每天学习3-5个快捷键,每天用,很快就上手了
什么是Jupyter magics
What are Jupyter magics
What are fastai lib and how to use it
课程和机构名称 -
库的名称 - 依赖的library
is easier and more powerful than tensorflow
- fastai 支持四大领域应用
- CV, NLP, Tabular, Collaborative Filtering
- 两种
from fastai import *
(个人评论:但实际作用几乎为零) -
from fastai.vision import *
个人评论:代码探索发现 from fastai import *
学术和Kaggle数据,CatsDogs 与 Pets数据的异同
Academic vs Kaggle Datasets, CatsDogs vs Pets dataset
- 学术和Kaggle
- 学术人员耗费大量时间精力收集处理
- 用来解决富有挑战的问题
- 对比不同方法或模型的表现效果,从而凸显新方法的突破性表现
- 不断攀登和发表学术最优水平
- 提供强大的比较基准
- 排行榜与学界最优表现
- 从而得知你的模型的好坏程度
- 同时学习了解数据集创建的背景和方法
- 猫狗大战相比较是非常简单的问题
- 二元分类,全部猜狗也有50%准确率
- 而且猫狗之间差异大,特征比较简单
- 刚开始做猫狗大战竞赛时,80%已经是行业顶级水平
- 如今我们的模型几乎做到预测无误
- 宠物数据集要求识别37不同种的猫狗
- 猜一种只会有1/37正确率
- 因为不同种猫和不同种狗之间差异小,特征难度更高
- 我们要做的是细微特征分类fine-grain classification
How to download dataset with fastai
AWS 在云端为fast.ai所需数据集提供免费告诉下载
How to access image folders and check filenames inside
How to get the labels of dataset
如何理解用regular expression 提取label,见笔记
Why and how to pick the image size for DataBunch
- Why do we need to set the image size?
- every image has its size
- GPU needs images with same shape, size to run fast
- what shape we usually create?
- in part 1, square shape, most used
- in part 2, learn rectangle shape, with nuanced difference
- What size value work most of the time generally?
size = 224
- What special about fastai? *
- teach us the best and most used techniques to improve performance
- make the all the decisions for us if necessary, such as
What is a DataBunch
What does DataBunch contain
- training Dataset
- images and labels
- texts and labels
- tabular data and labels
- etc
- validation Dataset
- testing Dataset (optional)
如何normalize DataBunch
What does normalize do to DataBunch
to make data about the same size with same mean and std
30:19 - 31:50
What to do if size
is not 224
* get_transforms
function will make the size so
- data looks zoomed
- center-cropping
- resizing
- padding
- these techniques will be used in data augmentation
normalize 图片意味着什么
What does it mean to normalize images
* all pixel start 0 to 255
* but some channels are very bright and other not, vary a lot
* if all channels don’t have mean 0 and std 1
* models may be hard to train well
33:01- 33:34
Why 224 not 256 as power of 2
- because final layer of model is 7x7
- so 224 is better than 256
- more in later
How to check the real images and labels
* to be a really good practitioner is to look at your data
* how to look at your images
* data.show_batch(rows=3, figsize=(7,6))
* how to look at your labels
* print(data.classes
- what is data.c
of DataBunch
* number of classes for classification problem
* not for regression and other problems
How to build a CNN learner/model
what is a Learner?
- things can learn to fit the data/model
what is ConvLearner?
- to create convolution NN
- ConvLearner
is replaced by create_cnn
what is needed to make such a model?
- required
- DataBunch
- Model: resnet34
or resnet50
- metrics =
is from kwargs
How to pick between resnet34 and resnet50?
- always start with smaller one
- then see whether bigger is better
What is metrics
- things to print out during training
- e.g., error_rate
Why use a pretrained model (framework and parameters) for your CNN? in other words, What is transfer learning?
* the model resnet34 will be automatically downloaded if not already so
* what exactly is downloaded
* pretrained model with weights trained with ImageNet dataset
* why a pretrained model is useful?
* such model can recognize 1000 categories
* not the 37 cats and dogs,
* but know quit a lot about cats and dogs
* what is transfer learning?
* take a model which already can do something very well (1000 objects)
* make it do your thing well (37 cats dogs species)
* also need thousands times less data to train your model
what is overfitting? why wouldn’t the model cheating?
How do we know the model is not cheating?
- not learn the patterns to tell cricket from baseball
- but only member those specific objects in the images
How to avoid cheating
- use validation set which your model doesn’t see when training
what use validation set for?
- use validation set to plot metrics to check how good model is fairly
Where is validation set?
- automatically and directly baked into the DataBunch
- to enforce the best practice, so it is impossible to not use it
How to train the model with the best technique
we can use function fit
, but always better to use fit_one_cycle
What is the big deal of fit_one_cycle
- a paper released in 2018
- more accurate and faster than any previous approach
- ::fastai incorporates the best current techniques *::
keyboard shortcut for functions
* tab
to use autocomplete for possible functions
* shift + tab
to display all args for the function
how to pick the best number of epochs for training?
- learn how to tune epochs (4) in later lessons
- I don’t remember it had been discussed in later 6 lessons *
- not too many, otherwise easy overfit
44:28 - 46:42
How to find out how good is your model
- How to find out the state of art result of 2012 paper?
- Section of Experiment, check on accuracy
- Oxford, nearly 60% accuracy
- What is our result
- 96% accuracy
How to get the most out of this course
What is the most occurred mistake or regret?
- spend too much on the concept and theory
- spend too little time on notebooks and codes
What your most important skill is about
- understanding what goes in
- and what comes out
The popularity of fastai library
* Why we say fastai library becomes very popular and important
* major cloud support fastai
* many researchers start to use fastai
* what is the best way of understand fastai software well?
* docs.fast.ai
* How fastai compare with keras
* codes are much shorter
* keras has 31 lines which you need to make a lot of decisions
* fastai has 5 lines which make the decisions for you
* accuracy is much higher
* training time is much less
* cutting edge researches use fastai to build models
* “the ImageNet moment” for NLP done with fastai
* github: “towards Natural Language Semantic code search”
* Where on the forum people talking about papers?
* Deep Learning section
What students achieved with fastai and this course
Sarah Hooker
- first course student, economics (no background in coding)
- delta analytics to detect chainsaw to prevent rainforest
- google brain researcher and publish papers
- go to Africa to setup the first DL research center
- dig deep into the course and Deep learning book
Christine Mcleavey Payne
- 2018 year student
- openAI
- Clara: a neural net music generator
- background: math and …. too much to mention
- pick one project and do it really well and make it fantastic
Alexandre Cadrin
- can tell MIT X-ray chest model is overfitting
- bring deep learning into your industry and expertise
Melissa Fabros
- English literature degree, became Kiva engineer
- help Kiva (micro-lending) to recognize faces to reduce gender and racial bias
Karthik and envision
- after the course started a startup named envision
- help blind people use phone to see ahead of you
Jeremy helped a small student team
- to beat google team in ImageNet competition
Helena Saren? @glagoli…?
- combine her own artistic skills with image generator
- style transfer
a student as Splunk engineer to detect fraud
Francisco and Language Model Zoo at the forum
- use NLP to do different languages with different students
Don’t feel intimidated and ask for help and contribute
为什么选择ResNet 而非Inception作为模型框架和已训练的参数
66:00 - 67:57
Why use Resnet rather than Inception
* DAWNBench on ImageNet classification
* “Resnet is good enough” for top 5 places
* edge computing
* but the most flexible way is let your model on cloud talk with your mobile app
* inception is memory intensive and not resilient
How to save a trained model
What is inside the trained model?
- updated weights
why do we need to save model?
- keep working and updating the previous weights
how to save a model?
- learn.save("stage-1")
where will be the model be located?
- in the same fold where data is
how to plot top losses examples/images
How to create model interpreter?
- interp = ClassificationInterpretation.from_learner(learn)
Why plot the high loss?
- to find out our high prob predictions are wrong
- they are the defect of our model
How to plot top losses using the interpreter?
- interp.plot_top_losses(9, figsize=(15,11))
How to read the output of the plotting and numbers?
- doc(interp.plot_top_losses)
-> doc & source
What does those numbers on the plotting mean?
- prediction, actual, loss, prob of actual (not prediction)
Why fastai source code is very easy to read?
- intension when writing it
- don’t be afraid to read the source
Why it is useful to see top loss images
- figure out where is the weak spot
- error analysis * (Ng)
73:20 -74:39
How to find out the most confused images of our model
* why we need the confusion matrix to interpret the model?
* when not to use interp.plot_confusion_matrix(figsize=(12,12), dpi=60)
* when to use interp.most_confused(min_val=2)
74:37 - 76:26
How to improve our model
What is the default way of training?
- add a few layers at the end
- only train or update weights for the last few layers
What is the benefit of the default way?
- less likely to overfit
- much faster
How to train the whole model?
- unfreeze the model learn.unfreeze()
- train the entire model learn.fit_one_cycle(1)
why it is easy to ruin the model by training the whole model?
- learning rate is more likely to set too large for earlier layers *
- to understand it please see the next question
76:24 - 82:32
what is CNN actually learning and why previous full model training didn’t work
what is the plot of layer 1?
- coefficients? weights? filters
- finding some basic shapes
what are the plots of layer 2?
- 16 filters
- each filter is good at finding one type of pattern
What are the plots of layer3?
- 12 filters
- each is more complex patterns
What are inside plots of layer4 and layer 5?
- filters to find out even more complex patterns using previous layer patterns
Which layer’s filter pattern can be improved?
- less likely for layer 1
- maybe not layer 4-5
- probably much later layers should be changed to some extent
Why the previous full model train won’t work?
- the same learning rate is applied to earlier and later layers
82:32- 86:55
How to train the whole model in the right way
How we go back to the unbroken model by full training?
- load the backup model
- learn.load('stage-1');
How to find the best learning rate?
- to find the fastest learning rate value
- learn.lr_find()
How to plot the result of learning rate finding?
- learn.recorder.plot()
how to read the learning rate plot?
- learn.unfreeze()
- learn.fit_one_cycle(2, max_lr=slice(1e-6,1e-4))
- how to find the lowest/fastes learning rate?
- find the lr value before loss get worse
- how to find the highest/slowest learning rate?
- 10x smaller than original learning rate
- how to give learning rate value to middle layers?
- distribute values equally to other middle layers
Why you can’t win Kaggle easily?
- many fastai alumni compete on Kaggle
- this is the first thing they will try out
How to improve model with more layers
to use ResNet50 instead of ResNet34
- data = ImageDataBunch.from_name_re(path_img, fnames, pat, ds_tfms=get_transforms(), size=299, bs=bs//2).normalize(imagenet_stats)
- learn = create_cnn(data, models.resnet50, metrics=error_rate)
what to do when GPU memory is tight?
- due to model is too large and take too much GPU memory
- less 8 GPU memory can’t run ResNet50
How to fix it?
- shrink the batch_size when creating the DataBunch
How good is 4% error rate for Pets dataset?
- compare to CatsDogs 3% error rate
- 4% for 37 similar looking species is extraordinary
Why ResNet50 still use the same lr range from ResNet34? *
- the lr plot looks different from that of ResNet34
- but why we still use the following code
- learn.fit_one_cycle(3, max_lr=slice(1e-6,1e-4))
- problem asked on formum
How to use most confused images to demonstrate model is already quite good?
- check out the most confused images online
- see whether human can’t tell the difference neither
- if so, then model is doing good enough
- it teaches you to become a domain expert
Different ways to put your data into DataBunch
How to use MNIST sample dataset?
* path = untar_data(URLs.MNIST_SAMPLE); path
How to create DataBunch while labels on folder names?
- data = ImageDataBunch.from_folder(path, ds_tfms=tfms, size=26)
How to check the images and labels?
How to read from CSV?
- df = pd.read_csv(path/'labels.csv')
How to create DataBunch while labels in CSV file?
- data = ImageDataBunch.from_csv(path, ds_tfms=tfms, size=28)
How to create DataBunch while labels in dataframe?
- data = ImageDataBunch.from_df(path, df, ds_tfms=tfms, size=24)
How to create DataBunch while labels in filename?
- data = ImageDataBunch.from_name_re(path, fn_paths, pat=pat, ds_tfms=tfms, size=24)
How to create DataBunch while labels in filename using function?
- data = ImageDataBunch.from_name_func(path, fn_paths, ds_tfms=tfms, size=24, label_func = lambda x: '3' if '/3/' in str(x) else '7')
How to create DataBunch while labels in a list?
- labels = [('3' if '/3/' in str(x) else '7') for x in fn_paths]
- data = ImageDataBunch.from_lists(path, fn_paths, labels=labels, ds_tfms=tfms, size=24)
How to make the most out of documents
- To experiment the doc notebook
- How do I do better?
QA on fastai with multi-GPU, 3D data
An interesting and inspiring project
how to transform mouse moment into images
then train it with CNN