Chit Chat Thread

although I have seen a lot of explanations for decorators, yours has to be one of the easiest to follow :slight_smile:

Ow thatā€™s very kind of you, thank you! Although I should say that most of why itā€™s so easy to follow is thanks to talk itā€™s based on, by James Powell. :slight_smile:

Diagnosing Neurodegenerative Diseases with Pytorch

Nice! Weā€™ll be covering decorators next week, so I hope youā€™ll share this excellent post in the lesson wiki thenā€¦

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Iā€™m a remote participant, but will be in San Francisco next week due to attending a conference. Does anyone know if it is possible for normally remote people to attend a live session?

If so, whatā€™s the specific location?

what are you planning to do with them?

Sure thing. Thanks!

The Possibilities are endless, but for right now, Iā€™m going to use them for them to be servers running the model Iā€™m working on as part of Muziguideā€™s web scraping servers, Also, I just might resurrect this circa 2005 robot I built (which has a camera and sonar ranging), and make it do real-time terrain recognition.


Hey @PierreO !
Thanks for the great posts-both this and the papers one(Iā€™m still going through it) :slight_smile:
A small suggestion: the last example(decorating add with ntimes) could be replaced with something better, since the output is same as that of one execution.
Even something silly like

def print_blah(x=ā€˜blahā€™):

Also, last line of code has a typo: Y instead of y.

Itā€™s not, unfortunately. But please do drop by our study room!

Thanks for the clarification. Iā€™ll see if I can get away during the day and drop by.

Youā€™re right, Iā€™ll add a print statement :slight_smile:

Many thanks for the typo!

thanks , there are some really inspiring stories . ā€œtransferring it over to my domainā€ advice resonates more with me.

There is cool pycharm plugin that uses AI for predictive autocomplete.

Codota does the same for Java.

I believe there is a huge opportunity in terms of applying artificial intelligence to software engineering. For instance, there at GitHub. Worth watching:

Good stuff. Also, a good practice is to use functools.wraps to fix the name mangling. Explained here.


Inspired by lesson 2 of part 1 , i have created image dataset downloader.

If you search for keywords first time , it may take some time ( I cache the result , so that next time it will be faster).

I have already cached following keywords ( teddy bear, grizzly bear, black bear, polar bear)


Please try it out and let me know.

Dr. Sebastian Ruder has finally uploaded his thesis to his website.
Iā€™ll definitely read this as a homework (Over a few days) :slight_smile:

Any luck getting this set up?

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L8@1:29:22 ā€“ on initializing layers so that (mean,stdv) ā‰ˆ (0,1) ā€“ huh, interesting. As if normalization layers (regularization too?) were achieving the same end by correcting values after the fact. Sounds like at least basic care for initializing layers should be a standard thing you always do.

Ah. If different layers have (wildly) different (mean, stdev)'s, theyā€™re all effectively on different playing fields ā€“ good luck getting them to understand one another.

329 pages! Far from the ULMfit 12 pages one :slight_smile: Looking forward to reading it.