Better S4TF for fastai/swiftai setup script for Ubuntu 18.04

Everything is changing pretty fast for Swift for Tensorflow related tools.
I was struggling to come up with an up to date working environment to run the fastai_dev/course-v3/swiftai notebooks (are they all essentially comes of each other?).
All of the earlier scripts I saw reference older non-nightly versions of Swift for Tensorflow, but those are way too old for the current notebooks.

So after I figured out all of the required bits, I made an idempotent script to set everything up in Ubuntu 18.04 to run the notebooks successfully:

By default this will download the Swift and S4TF related files and repos under ~/swift and use a conda environment called “swiftai”. Those are customizable at the top of the file.

Provided that Visual Studio Code (and npm) are installed, the script will also install sourcekit-lsp support for the Swift Development Environment extension

I will keep maintaining this script until some better way comes along.

Random notes:

  • currently Swift auto-completion in Jupyter notebooks (and the REPL!) is broken and the fix is landing only after Swift 5.1. Upstream bug.
  • some of the notebooks cause mysterious crashes. I hit this LLVM assertion error many times.
  • there’s tons of somewhat out of date documentation by now. I wonder what’s the best way to stay in the loop…
  • To use SwiftCV in the notebooks, source bashrc after running the script. It will export PKG_CONFIG_PATH so that the conda-installed headers are available for the Swift/Jupyter environment. Ubuntu repositories only had OpenCV 3, so this seemed more convenient (SwiftCV requires OpenCV 4).

Best would be to fix the docs! Let us know when you find things that are out of date :slight_smile:

Thank you, it works for me. It’s also work with Python 3.7 on my system Ubuntu 18.04

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