AWS AMI available for testing

Basically the error means that no Application in your EC2 instance is listening on port 8888. Did you start Jupyter notebook inside the Remote machine?

Try the command jupyter notebok list, if there’s jupyter server running in EC2, you will see it, otherwise it will come up empty. If it’s empty run Jupyter Notebook.

Because you are using Tunneling of ports, if for any reason you loose the SSH connection, your notebook is not accessible. It might be better to open up port 8888 on the server by modifying the Security Groups (on EC2) and then directly connect via http://<ec2-servername>:8888


Thanks for the info…

wrong thread

I was able to create a p2 instance with this AMI and run through the lesson 1 notebook without any errors. As Jeremy mentioned, you need to do a git checkout & git pull inside your local repo.

@jeremy Would you be able to provide a rough outline of what software packages you installed in the AMI and in what order? It would serve as a great confidence booster to set this up on my own instance from scratch. Appreciate your attention to this request!

Worked well for me!

As @claytonjy mentioned, I also needed to do below.

Thanks a lot @jeremy :slight_smile:

This is what i get when i try creating the instance? What should i do? @jeremy

Request for a limit increase to 1. Mention course.

Will do that! Thanks

I put in the request for EC2 limit increase to p2.xlarge on Thusday evening (US date). Hopefully the approval for the increase will come soon.


How long will amazon take to update our request instance for p2.xlarge? any other option to do the lesson 1 notebook because my crestle is also not running well enough.

For my p2 limits request I have placed last week, they responded in 2 working days.

I’ve updated the AMI to fix a couple of minor issues. The new ID is ami-8c4288f4 . Name is the same. I’ll updated the top post.

Hi Mr. @jeremy, I don’t see the image


@jeremy Should be setup AWS before lecture 2 or you’ll brief us?

I was not able to find the image too.

I also search for “ami-8c4288f4” both in market place as well in community AMIs, no luck. If I am searching fastai only in community I am getting some results but they have different amAMI ID. I guess those are some old stuffs.

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Is it required to clone the repository to my laptop or to aws instance?.
Some one please tell what need to be done after launching an instance in order to be able to run the course notebooks.
After running a notebook from an aws instance will the changes be saved and reflected in the notebook present in my local repo ?

Most likely the new AWS AMI is set to private.

Incase you’re working on the aws instance, you might follow these steps.

  1. Launch the instance on AWS console.
  2. ssh -i your-aws-cert.pem ubuntu@ec2-instance-ip
  3. cd fastai; git checkout --environment.yml; git pull
  4. open tmux, launch jupyter jupyter-notebook --no-browser --ip='*'. Take note of the token. You need this in the next step.
  5. Visit the ec2-instance-ip:8888 on your web browser. Enter the token to see your notebooks.
  6. Work with the notebooks.

If you do port forwarding in step 2 using ssh -i your-aws-cert.pem ubuntu@ec2-instance-ip -L 8888:localhost:8888, then in step 5, you can access notebooks on localhost:8888 on your web browser.

If you make a few changes to your notebooks and you’d like to save them, you need to commit the changes to your aws-local-repo, push them to your remote fork and pull them to your laptop-local-repo.

Hope this helps.

Edit: Fixed the port-forwarding command.


Thanks for sharing that process!

Just a small doubt: what does this line do? git checkout --environment.yml

Not very familiar with git, so just wanted to clarify. :slight_smile:

It reverts the changes made in environment.yml