About the Part 1 (2020) category

Yayyyyy! Thank you so much

Great news, thank you very much Jeremy! It also lines up perfectly with the start of my DL internship (that I 100% couldnā€™t have gotten without fast.ai)! Canā€™t wait for the course to start!

Great timing! I just finished building my personal DL box after years of using the cloud providers, and am ready to dig back in to fastai applied to audio as well as scaling to multi-gpus. Looking forward to it!


Hi everyone, thank you Jeremy for this opportunity. Iā€™ve been quiet during the last run. Hopefully, Iā€™ll be more involved.

Ohhhh ! Exciting news!!!
Thank you so much of the opportunity Jeremy, to be part of this next step for fastai community!
Looking forward to learn more, interact more and help others.

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This is great Jeremy! Thanks so much for this opportunity!

amazing, thanks so much for this invite to such a great & fantastic class ! Especially great this will be mixed with Machine Learning

I am honored to participate!

Wow this is really great. I donā€™t deserve this, but I will try my best to make up for that and contribute more. I have ordered the book too and am so excited for it! This is my favorite online community and has really changed my life in so many ways. Really grateful for the opportunity and look forward to learning from everyone ( each year is like a brand new course so I take it each time b/c of its incredible value )


Thanks. I guess we get the viewing information later :slight_smile:

Thanks for the invite Jeremy. Excited to learn how the library has evolved throughout months. Have been waiting for the book since last year too on Safari. Canā€™t wait to have a go at them.

Thank you Jeremy, this is a huge privilege. Also it means that my next paper will definitely be using the v2 codebase!

Special day, special gift. Thank you very much Jeremy for providing this opportunity.

Thx a lot. My fastai winter is over :wink:

Looking forward to your course.

Wow. This is such a lovely surprise. Thank you so very much everybody. :hugs:

Coincidentally, this past week Iā€™d been thinking over the fact that I couldnā€™t be as involved during the entirety of '19, for a variety of reasons. Not quite happy about that, I kind of decided to spend more time revisiting the previous course and restarting Kaggle comps. all over again. Morever, I gave in and decided to build a DL workstation as well, as it doesnā€™t really seem to stick in the long run without an easily accessible GPU resource to tinker around with (as most of you bright ones might have already figured out years ago).

It took a whole week of reading up on chipsets, cpus n gpus, pcie lanes and what not, before I bit the bullet and pressed the ā€˜Orderā€™ button, literally 2 hours ago today. And then, this invite shows up in my inbox. This evening couldnā€™t get any better. :heart_eyes:

Iā€™m setting aside all other non-important plans and diving into this. This is going to be a fun spring. Looking forward to the discussions here, contributing back to fastai where possible, and hopefully getting to know more of you over the course.

Cheers !


Excellent! Thanks Jeremy. Iā€™m excited about it!

Excellent news :smiley: ! so excited for this

Needless to say I am excitedā€¦!!

Even 3rd time has got me equally pumped.! :surfing_man:

Awesome! Thank you for the invite. Pre-ordered the book, looking forward to it!

Like so many, Iā€™m delighted and looking forward to it!