About the Part 1 (2020) category

You can use this category to discuss the Part 1 (2020) Deep Learning course, whether attending in person through USF, or remotely as a fast.ai International Fellow.


Fantastic! This made my day. I am looking forward to the course.


Really pleased to be offered this opportunity - thanks Jeremy! I’d already pre-ordered the book,

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Thank you very much Jeremy for this opportunity. I’ll do my best to help out how I can :slight_smile: Do we have a time block for when the course will be done?



Zach - details on times here: https://www.usfca.edu/data-institute/certificates/deep-learning-part-one

March 17 - May 5 (no class April 21), Tuesdays, 6:30-9:00pm (PST)


Fantastic. I have been looking forward to this

Thanks Jeremy.

Awesome! Thanks :slight_smile: Right when I have my night shift, perfect for me to tune in!


The course might just turn out to be at the time I finish my current research project. It will be a great refresher and also help me develop ideas for new projects. Excited for this!

That’s sounds fabulous, I am already looking forward to it.

mrfabulous1 :smiley: :smiley:

Mine too :blush:

Really looking forward to this!

This is the best message I’ve received in a while!
I’ll try and contribute more to the docs since that’s where I feel I can add the most value.


Thank you for invitation! Looking forward to the course :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for the opportunity, this is a fantastic! Totally the best new I have received so far this year!

What a wonderful news. This is boosting my energy to contribute even more to this fantastic community. You built the best deep learning course, an incredible library, and above all a wonderful space where people spontaneously help and encourage each other.

Looking forward to part_v4.


Thanks Jeremy. I’m grateful for this opportunity to participate in part1 version 4, and looking forward to the class with anticipation!

Thanks for the invite Jeremy, and a big hello to FastAI peers! Excited to try out fastai2 and I hope to contribute towards the success of the course. :slight_smile:

Sweet! Really looking forward to it!

This is excellent news. I am really thankful for this opportunity.

I will be getting the book ASAP.