A walk with fastai2 - Vision - Study Group and Online Lectures Megathread

Just did :slight_smile: looks to be good, only bit I read was about mobile streaming Iā€™d need over 1k subscribers or more

Very exciting! Iā€™m particularly interested in the tabular part.


You never know. I never dream of my local study group grows over 2.3K members and is still growing.


Youā€™ll certainly be more intrigued by the fourth lesson (in the tabular block)! I revised it to try to let us experiment with the new architectures that have come out over the last year or so (NODE, TabNet, etc).


@muellerzr excited to watch this. Do you happen to have a step by step for fastai v2 for GCP? I followed the steps outlined here:https://course.fast.ai/start_gcp.html and successfully setup the server with v1 but canā€™t seem to wrap my head around getting v2 running.

much appreciated and looking forward to class.

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I donā€™t use GCP, so Iā€™m unsure about that. What have you tried so far?

I tried conda install -c fastai -c pytorch fastai but couldnā€™t find where fastai v2 would be in the vm terminal.

and am confused about the other suggestion of this. because I donā€™t see where fastai2 would be in the terminal
cd fastai2
conda env create -f environment.yml
source activate fastai2

Youā€™d need to either git clone the fastai2 repo (to get fastai2) or do a pip install fastai2. Try the install directions here:

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I guess my confusion with this, is where I am supposed to be changing the directory into fastai2, or am I supposed to create it first?

Thanks for the help.

From what I can read (@sgugger correct me if Iā€™m wrong here):

Clone the repo into some base directory to run out of
cd and Conda activate

The conda install of fastai2 is not super well tested, I would strongly encourage using a developer install using pip for now.


cool that did the trick! thanks @sgugger and @muellerzr for the help.

For anyone other newbies out there, I followed this:

pip install packaging
git clone https://github.com/fastai/fastai2
cd fastai2
pip install -e .[dev]


Iā€™ll also add that in the Wiki as GCP instructions :slight_smile:

Edit: done. Thanks for trying that out @jankelowitz!

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no problem, going through dev pets tutorial to make sure I actually did it right :smiley:

@muellerzr Thanks for the initiative! Iā€™m in, although Iā€™ll be watching the recordings since 5 pm CST is midnight CET. But I already blocked my Thursday nights for that. :slight_smile:

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That is supercool. Looks like Iā€™m living under the rock and still under the impression that no architectures except fully-connected layers is applicable here.
That do you recommend to try at first NODE, TabNet or maybe something else? I donā€™t think I will be able to overcome all of them :frowning:
What worked best in your cases, if you was already able to try it (or what is your intuition on what will play better/have more potential)

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@Pak NODE looks to be the ā€œeasiestā€ (Iā€™m reworking my implementation to solve some headaches). Thereā€™s some cost benefit with both (that I plan on going over). TabNet Iā€™m yet to play with but itā€™s one that I saw that looked interesting. I have my own intuition about a paper that came out in which the data was embedded in a 2d space (aka they wrote the variables on a picture) and I think we can push that further, Iā€™ll be testing that out this week or so (and if it works youā€™ll see it here, if not you wonā€™t!)


Am I right that you mean these notebooks https://github.com/muellerzr/Practical-Deep-Learning-for-Coders-2.0 (tabular in this repository)?
Awesome I will definitely watch your github on that.
As well as will watch your stream.

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Not yet, Iā€™m working on them now. Iā€™ll announce the course repo once itā€™s closer (so thereā€™s little questions on them beforehand and cause Iā€™m in the middle of making a few of them right now). I donā€™t have have the Tabular implementations done yet (Iā€™m finishing vision block this week). I believe thereā€™s an old NODE thread where I posted an example (very very messy example) with fastai v1


@muellerzr I was trying the second notebook 02_Custom_Image_Classification.ipynb via colab and had the following error.

The file is not being read as a file but as a string. I tried with the following

file = open(path/files[i])
download_images(file, path/folders[i], max_pics=50)

This time it downloads the files but none of them are proper images and therefore the verify_images deletes all of them. I can attach the url_text files here if you want. Wanted your help to know if it is an issue with the code or the way I am doing things here.

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