A walk with fastai2 - Vision - Study Group and Online Lectures Megathread

@pnvijay they changed something up, nice catch! download_images wants a path now, so we can do something like so:

for i, n in enumerate(classes):
  download_images(Path(files[i]), path/folders[i], max_pics=50)

Edit: I have also adjusted in the notebooks :slight_smile:

Yup, tried with the path format as well. But still the verify_images fails. Is this happening for you as well? If not I am not able to understand what is going wrong. anyways will share my text files with you separately in case you can figure out if something is wrong with them.

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I ran it just fine a moment ago to check (from scratch), unsure what it could be. Feel free to send it to me :slight_smile: (Also are you grabbing these via firefox?

I am doing this via chrome. Don’t have firefox in my mac but rest of it is is the same with the javascript console and the javascript commands as provided in the notebook.

I’ll test the javascript out in chrome myself here in a minute too just to see.

FYI for all who might be following this thread. All is well now. Issue has been sorted out by @muellerzr. Please use only firefox to generate the url_text or url_csv files for this note book.


Hi, I am trying to run lesson 7 resnet mnist notebook.
I keep running into the following error when i run xb=xb.cuda.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (100) : no CUDA-capable device is detected at /pytorch/aten/src/THC/THCGeneral.cpp:50

I am using google colab.

I have installed using following command. If it is relavant here.

import os

!pip install -q torch torchvision feather-format kornia pyarrow Pillow wandb nbdev fastprogress --upgrade

!pip install -q git+https://github.com/fastai/fastcore --upgrade

!pip install -q git+https://github.com/fastai/fastai2 --upgrade


@Pavan Did you change your runtime to GPU? (Runtime -> Change Runtime Type -> GPU)

(Also you may have better luck in the v2 thread but we can help here :slight_smile: )

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Thanks a lot. i missed that. i am able to progress with running the notebook now.

No problem! Glad to see it’s working :slight_smile:

Lesson 7: Audio, Object Detection


Nice one!! Look fwd to join in live !!!

@muellerzr Was trying the 03b_kfold.ipynb notebook and came across the following error. Attaching the screenshots of the error for your reference.

Would be of great help if you can help resolve the same.

I won’t be able to run the code until later today but it looks like a TabularPandas is a TabDataLoader now. Try skipping that assignment (test_dl = TabDataLoader(test_dl) and moving on with it @pnvijay

Did that but it fails at

data = to.databunch()

Have uploaded the screenshot of the errors. Will await your debug :slight_smile:

I’m actually pinging @sgugger as someone just posted about this in the Text too with the exact same log

I think this is due to a change Jeremy just made, so you should use a version pre-his two last commits or wait for him to fix this :slight_smile:


Thanks! Just glad I’m not going crazy :wink:

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@pnvijay try it again, I think that a fix was pushed!