A walk with fastai2 - Vision - Study Group and Online Lectures Megathread

Had to make a quick fix:


I can hear you on the stream.

is rank the same as dimension?

you can have a 2 dimensions which is rank 1.
This corresponds to the maximal number of linearly independent columns of a matrix. Not sure if this is what mean by rank?

Update: Rank in linear algebra is different from the rank in deep learning.

Good discussion on overfitting: Determining when you are overfitting, underfitting, or just right?


if possible can you show how to package a model as a docker component. thanks

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I am unfamiliar with docker so I would not be a good resource with that, I am sorry!

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Here is the validation set article by Rachel:

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Hi muellerzr
Many Thanks for another great tutorial.
cheers mrfabulous1 :smiley::smiley:

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@muellerzr please could you tell when should one use item transform and batch transform. I am not clear about those two techniques

You should use item to prepare everything for a batch. Your initial resizeing will go there along with conversion to a tensor. Basically preparing for what your model expects

Batch transforms are anything from there (more resizing, warping, etc)

So would it be correct to assume that item transform is a prerequisite for batch level transform


Hi harikrishnanrajeev hope all is well!

This link is for a docker tutorial, it is one of the best I have found. https://training.play-with-docker.com/ops-s1-hello/ you can practice building docker components in their virtual environment, it is great for getting a good understanding of Docker. https://training.play-with-docker.com/

This link is a good starter for deploying your model https://course.fast.ai/deployment_render.html once you have built it you can deploy it on any platform that supports Docker, not just render.com.

The snippets of code described by muellerzr in the deployment tutorial can be inserted straight into the deployment starter app.

Cheers mrfabulous1 :smiley::smiley:


is this what we need to install ? (I think the notebooks currently don’t have this update).

in 02_MNIST.ipynb the following line gpu_tfms = [Cuda(), IntToFloatTensor(), Normalize()] returns the following error. (Not sure if the name has changed.) (could you share tips on how you go about solving this). Thank you very much have learnt so much already.

Please I want to watch the lesson 2 video as I was not able to join the live stream. But it seems that the video is no longer available.


@kofi thanks! I put the right one up there

What is the error? I ran it that day so that should all work

I also have some question from the first lesson:

  1. In the first video, when we were using ImageDataBunch.from_name_re(), we didn’t specify how the data was going to be split but we did that when we were using the DataBlock api.
  2. Also when i try to use shuffle =True i get this errror