Working version of Lesson 1: Is it a bird

I have just started the “Practical Deep Learning for Coders” course and was dismayed to find errors in the cell executions. Chiefly this was in search_images and I have had to spend many hours debugging it even resorting to copying so called solutions off various forums. The big issue seems to be download modules that have been updated since it was authored and that no longer work. I eventually had to take source from the Internet and load it into Spyder to apply some debugging until it started to work. I have created a shared copy of my Notebook for this lesson, which can be accessed on this link lesson_1 if anyone is interested. Newbie students of the course will be well advised to download this in favour of the actual course Notebook because it works! And it will save many hours of grappling with esoteric Python errors to get a result, thus allowing students to focus on the actual lesson plan. You can do runtime and source comparisons against the course notebook to see what I have changed.

I also add my settings environment as an image in the first element of the Notebook. At least for the first lesson you are well advised to adopt these settings.

Regards Jon

I downloaded my own shared notebook to check that it still worked and lo and behold it doesn’t; the cell that displays the Forest URL claims that the class Image has no open function (although it does). Such is the joy of Python and its remarkably unstable package environments. I’m not fixing it, but you are welcome to try - I’ve had it with Lesson 1. But not to worry that cell can be ignored as it is not vital to the overall functionality; merely an information cell.

Here’s the error-

Ok nearly done. I reworked the URL downloader because it was a bit wacky and fixed the error in the previous reply.

The share has been overlaid with the latest copy of the Notebook
at Lesson_1

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