Hi everyone,
I would like to have a working notebook with Object Detection.
I am building one but I found many issues both on reading data and on running fit on it.
Since I had these problems I read many posts both on the forum and outside… And I tried to execute the only official example I found: here which uses COCO dataset. Unfortunately it only covers databunch creation but doesn’t go on with model creation and execution. In fact, if I try to run the example but I have the same issues as on my notebook.
I think the issues rises because the metrics or the loss function are not appropriate…
I tried to follow this notebook which I found very interesting, but I am not able to get it working neither on COCO dataset nor on mine.
I both tried with only one BBox or multi-bbox for each image, both with long/float coords… but I still have this error:
The size of tensor a must match the size of tensor b at non-singleton dimension…
Can someone share some notes on how to have a model running on an object detection dataset?