(with_decoded)Result from learn.model.eval(), I can not get the same good prediction as Fastai's learn class?

I tried to resize the image to 224 and use eval(), which it was used for training. But I still can not get the same result in learn.model(img) and learn.predict. In addition, learn.model(img) way is often wrong without fastai’s learn class.

I guess the problem is the learner class has a with_decoded and I used CrossEntropyLossFlat.
I guess it means the prediction from the model needs to be decoded? If that so, I can even deploy it to ONNX and jit, which I see both of them have the same issue as learning.model.

Make sure you’re applying a softmax or argmax to your predictions. fastai’s probabilities are softmaxed (found from the activation in the loss function). Otherwise you’re comparing apples to oranges (raw logits to softmax’d probabilities)

from PIL import Image

import torchvision.transforms as transforms

img = Image.open("/content/shio (5).jpg")

resize = transforms.Resize([224, 224])

img = resize(img)

to_tensor = transforms.ToTensor()

img_y = to_tensor(img)




this_out = learn.model(img_y.cuda())
//I got output of 4 from about

But I got 5 for learn.predict("/content/shio (5).jpg"), which is correct.
I trained with the tta notebook with loss fuction of CrossEntropyLossFlat. Its act is F.softmax.

You haven’t correctly recreated your data from scratch. You’re not normalizing. Also if you’re still using a Learner why not use test_dl? just saw long term goal is ONNX. I have an ONNX port in fastinference if you are interested. It still uses the fastai library however, so if you’re hoping to remove that then you may not be interested

Thanks for answering.
My end goal is I can get the same result with f.softmax(learn.eval()(img)) and with learn.predict’s predicted index.

Fixing the normalization should do that then :slight_smile:

from PIL import Image

import torchvision.transforms as transforms

img = Image.open("/content/shio (5).jpg")

resize = transforms.Resize([224, 224])

transforms.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225))

img = resize(img)

to_tensor = transforms.ToTensor()

img_y = to_tensor(img)



I just tried this with Fixing the normalization, and only the learn.predict can predict the correct answer.
One day I will reproduce the problem with notebook tta08 or 05 petbreed, and I will post the colab notebook here if anyone is interested.

You never use your normalization transform here… (you should do so after your totensor)

I would expect it to look something similar to so for that part:

norm = transforms.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225))
img_y = to_tensor(img)
img_y = norm(img_y)

It is still the same.

from PIL import Image

import torchvision.transforms as transforms

img = Image.open("/content/shio (5).jpg")

resize = transforms.Resize([224, 224])

img = resize(img)

to_tensor_and_norm = transforms.Compose([


transforms.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)),


img_y = to_tensor(img)




this_out = learn.model(img_y.cuda())

F.softmax(this_out).argmax(-1)   //outputs 4, but correct index should be 5 and learn.predict got it.

You’re not calling your to_tensor_and_norm

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Yes, you are correct. I got index of 5. Thanks for taking time. :laughing:

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Glad we finally got some success!!