While running line 14 ( trn, y = proc_df(train, ‘unit_sales’) ) ) of the jupyter notebook related to the grocery store data (see 28:30 of the video), you may experience a memory error. For me, this was resolved by rolling back my pandas version from 0.23.4 to 0.20.3. If you’re using anaconda and setup the environment as described in " Setting up your computer if it already has Anaconda installed " at Wiki thread: lesson 1, you can activate the anaconda fastai environment (conda activate fastai), then run pip install pandas==0.20.3
I’m sure there are better ways to address the issue, but this worked for me. Note that you’ll also need to revise the line from “trn, y = proc_df(train, ‘unit_sales’)” to “trn, y, nas = proc_df(train, ‘unit_sales’)” due to the update in the proc_df code, which now returns NAs.
Also, when fitting the models, if I used n_jobs = -1, I received a memory error, but when I used only 4 of my computer’s 6 cores, everything worked fine.