When executing course 4’s “01_intro.ipynb” notebook , code : uploader = widgets.FileUpload() uploader
Result is : “FileUpload(value={}, description=‘Upload’)”
I have imported that fastai using conda install -c fastai -c pytorch fastai
also conda install graphviz
also conda install -c conda-forge/label/gcc7 python-utils
This is running on Windows 10 on my PC.
But file upload widget is not working. Any suggestions? Thanks…
This is unfortunately also not working for me. I can see in the upload widget it increments to a higher number, however, there is no data inside it that I can see.
I am using a fresh google AI notebook server
This is returned for:
FileUpload(value={}, description=‘Upload’)
This is returned for:
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
----> 1 uploader.data[0]
IndexError: list index out of range
Any help would be greatly helpful. I can manually upload images to my folders, but seemingly unable to access the uploader widget variable.
Hi, This does not work in Jupyterlab, it works in Jupter Notebook. It worked for me. This is the simplest solution rather than getting stuck in the under the hood code of the notebooks. Best of luck. Inayat
Thanks. I’ll do the same. I actually came to GCP from Paperspace because it was getting impossible to connect to Paperspace on to free GPUs when their servers get busy. .
This doesn’t work for me. I tried this: jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
and that doesn’t work either. I got the above from the ipywidgets documentation page Installation — Jupyter Widgets 8.1.5 documentation
I couldn’t find an answer to this on this forum, but an easy work-around is to upload your image(s) to the notebook’s /images dir, and then edit the code in cell #21, uploader = SimpleNamespace(data = ['images/your-filename-here'). Hope this helps.
Yeah, I’m running into lots of problems in FastAI so far. This is just one of them. The FileUpload() widget isn’t working for me either.
The Upload button shows up. I can click on it. I can browse for a file. I can select a file. The number in the Upload button increments. Then … nothing. It just does nothing. I can check the images directory through the terminal, and my file never gets uploaded. If I click the button again, it just makes me browse for another file and the counter increments. If I hit Shift Enter it just resets the counter. But no matter what I try, it never actually uploads anything.
I’m on Paperspace/Gradient, if that’s relevant.
I also tried jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
and jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager@2.0
to no effect.
I guess I’ll try some other clunky workaround to get a file into that image folder…
Hey @Alexander77, if the counter is increasing, its actually uploading the files. The code provided by Jeremy in the next section shows you how to interact with the uploaded files.
Try this
btn_upload = widgets.FileUpload()
upload a file, then run:
img = PILImage.create(btn_upload.data[-1])
The above code will get the last uploaded image, hence the indexing -1 and create a PIL image from it.
Then run:
to see if the image is displayed. Does this sequence of code work?
I was confused when using Colab at first but found that it did work. I assumed wrongly I would see my uploaded picture. You don’t, you need to go directly and run the prediction code.
If you do want to see your uploaded picture
replace the cell with:
\ For the book, we can’t actually click an upload button, so we fake it
uploader = SimpleNamespace(data = [‘images/chapter1_cat_example.jpg’])
To go faster I also used this code which loads the images from Google drive (does not use upload button):
\ comment the first two lines after first run
from google.colab import drive
%cd /content/drive/My\ Drive/
uploader = SimpleNamespace(data = [‘your_img_folder/img_to_test.jpg’])
img = PILImage.create(uploader.data[0])
The upload button also does not work for me, I followed the instruction as mentioned by jimmiemunyi above and Jeremy in notebook, and when pressing the button, I can see that my image seems loaded and the upload button is incremented by 1, but still the image does not show with img.to_thumb(128,128). I can manually type the image file as mentioned by another user, but it defeat the purpose of making it user friendly to upload new images, so I would like to resolve this problem.
I am using Jupiter notebook on JupyterLab on GCP, and Safari if this is useful info.