What is the best platform to use?

Hi, new user here-

I am trying to decide which platform to commit to for the rest of the course. I used Colab for lesson 1 a while ago and it worked well but based on other experiences with Colab it seems to be not powerful enough for tasks like object detection (could only finetune pytorch’s pretrained fasterrcnn for around 4 epochs before being stopped and each epoch took almost an hour on gpu)

I have also considered paperspace as recommended by the course but I noticed that they only allow 5 notebooks total (see image below) which can be expanded to 25 but it still seems a bit limiting…

For people that are well on their way to finishing the course or already graduated from the course, what platform do you use most frequently / what platform will go the best with fastai / pytorch? I think I would like to learn how to use one platform really well — but there are so many choices…

(Note: I have already read Which platform should I use for deep learning?, but I would still like to hear some extra opinions.)