Hey @Brainkite cheers for the feedback!
I unfortunately do not use paperspace so cannot be fully certain about this but the same issue occurred when this was run on Colab.
Tk creates a new window in order to display the box to choose the folder. Because Colab is run on the cloud it cannot open a new window This resulted in the same error (and assuming that is the reason for the error in Paperspace) so I had to adapt the Colab version (Fastai graphical user interface for Google Colab) and use another method of choosing your folder. This version may not work on Paperspace as it uses Google.colab.widgets.
I modified the code and would really appreciate it if you can try it now on paperspace. Like I mentioned I have not tested it on paperspace but the path can now be set by ‘coping and pasting’. This should for the time being by-pass the need for using tkinter.
I uploaded paperspace_ui.py on my github (https://github.com/asvcode/Vision_UI) and would really appreciate if you could see if this works.
For setting your path copy and paste into this tab
and likewise for choosing the image in the augmentations tab - copy and paste the image path
This should for the time being by pass the display issues you are experiencing. Let me know.