Using with custom attr

What do I need to do with MyDataLoader to pass the test test_eq(dl_new.horizon,dl.horizon) ?

class MyDataLoader(TfmdDL):
    def __init__(self, dataset, horizon=1, **kwargs):    
        store_attr(self, 'horizon')
        super().__init__(dataset=dataset, horizon=horizon, **kwargs)
dl = MyDataLoader([1,2,3],horizon=2)
dl_new =

ps any suggestions for a better title are welcome. I doubt if people search with the same problem will find it this way

Oke so I refactored the problem to:

class MyDataLoader(TfmdDL):
    def __init__(self, dataset, addition=1, **kwargs):  
        store_attr(self, 'addition')   
        super().__init__(dataset=dataset, addition=addition, **kwargs)       
    def create_item(self, idx):
        return self.dataset[idx] + self.addition
dl = MyDataLoader([1,2,3,4], addition= 2)

dl_new =

And then the solution is obvious:

from import *

class Addition(Transform):
    def __init__(self, addition):
        store_attr(self, 'addition')        
    def encodes(self, o):
        return o + self.addition
    def decodes(self, o):
        return o - self.addition
class MyDataLoader(TfmdDL):
    def __init__(self, dataset, **kwargs):    
        super().__init__(dataset=dataset, **kwargs)       
dl = MyDataLoader([1,2,3,4], after_item=[Addition(2)])

dl_new =

That’s one very good way of doing it. If you were stuck at the dataloader level, you would need to write the new method and add that attr on super().new. I’ll do that soon to the LMDataLoader for seq_len and SortedDL for sort_func for instance (you made me realize I forgot that).

Yes indeed that’s how I’m now going to solve it. Because I need to access to the TfmdDL.dataset and also need some initialization (like make_chunck in LMDataLoader). And the proposed solution is not sufficient better use the super().new.