Unofficial Setup thread (Local, AWS)

What is the fastai version that you are using ?

got around with that one but now got another issue on google colab,
When fitting resnet 34 got this issue,

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/ in handler(signum, frame)
    272         # This following call uses `waitid` with WNOHANG from C side. Therefore,
    273         # Python can still get and update the process status successfully.
--> 274         _error_if_any_worker_fails()
    275         if previous_handler is not None:
    276             previous_handler(signum, frame)

RuntimeError: DataLoader worker (pid 236) is killed by signal: Bus error. 

it seems to me colab is crashing

Another issue with colabā€¦There is a github issue open on it too. Workaround is to set num_workers=0 while defining DataBunch i.e.
data = ImageDataBunch.from_name_re(path_img, fnames, pat,size=224, ds_tfms=get_transforms(flip_vert=False),num_workers=0)

Maybe because of fastai version is not 1.0.11?

anyone trying a fastai v1 install on windows 10? im trying pytorch preview build from source but unsuccessful so far.

PyTorch 1.0 on Windows is a work in progress.

I donā€™t recommend spending time on it. I tried this myself yesterday, and after consulting knowledgeable folks (i.e., people whose day job is to make this work), I have decided to stick with Linux for the duration of this course.

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alright, thanks. i will do the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS then.

Followed all the steps on ubuntu 18.04 and all went smooth. Thanks.
But something to note i get an output of 1 on running
python -c ā€˜import torch; print(torch.cuda.device_count());ā€™

Iā€™ve added this to the topic -
Please update before running and if you still need help, please share the details so that we can help debug.

This happened to me as well. When I ran python -c 'import fastai; fastai.show_install(0)' there seemed to be some issue with torch detecting my GPU. Realized it was possibly either due to running all of this in old environment / jupyter version running on different environment (or with old packages). I have also realized that I was running the whole setup on old 390 drivers (which is not the case with you).

I have then updated drivers to 410 version, reinstalled every package again in a fresh environment (everything including pytorch-nightly, cuda and others listed in main README of the repo) and made sure torch is working with cuda and cudnn.

torch.cuda.is_available() and torch.backends.cudnn.enabled both should return True when run in the notebook. This time the notebook ran fine without any errors.

Here is my current output for the working config:

=== Software === 
python version  : 3.6.6
fastai version  : 1.0.14
torch version   : 1.0.0.dev20181027
nvidia driver   : 410.66
torch cuda ver  : 9.2.148
torch cuda is   : available
torch cudnn ver : 7104
torch cudnn is  : enabled

=== Hardware === 
nvidia gpus     : 1
torch available : 1
  - gpu0        : 11175MB | GeForce GTX 1080 Ti

=== Environment === 
platform        : Linux-4.18.0-10-generic-x86_64-with-debian-buster-sid
distro          : #11-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 11 15:13:55 UTC 2018
conda env       : fastai
python          : /home/bharadwaj/anaconda3/envs/fastai/bin/python
sys.path        : 

Thank you for this useful thread! Your screenshot for AWS setup shows the AMI named ā€œDeep Learning AMI (Ubuntu) Version 15.0ā€ and the official AWS EC2 course material references 16.0, but when I am setting up my machine I have the option for 17.0. For this 2018 USF Course, should I use 16.0 or should we always use the ā€œlatest and greatestā€ at the time of setup?

Hi all,
Iā€™m new to Python frameworks and services but have had no trouble so far making a local ubuntu 18 installation which has worked just fine. But while installing Starlette for lesson 2 I ran into trouble installing the ASGI server uvicorn with the following error:

conda install -c conda-forge uvicorn
Solving environment: failed

UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
  - pytorch-nightly -> *[track_features=cuda92]
  - uvicorn
Use "conda info <package>" to see the dependencies for each package.

But conda info gave no information on either package. Grateful for any tips on where to start looking for a solution.
Is it possible to use pip to install in combination with conda or should I keep to just the one?

@jeremy Is there an AWS code to access the AWS credit for folks who attend in person(I do)?

This is a good and clean set of instructions. Thank you!

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So this was my second time trying to go through the course ā€“ first time using a raw paperspace instance and the second time with gradient. I was getting consistently tired of messing with remote compute instances while also trying toā€¦ learnā€¦ deep learning. I needed a new machine anyways, and it was blackfriday so I got a new laptop with a 1070 (hopefully 8gig vram doesnā€™t hobble me) that is beefy enough to crank through normal ML loads via cpu as well. Took a little while to do, but this thread let me get everything up and running :slight_smile:

GPU load confirms everything is working right :slight_smile:

For some context on performance ā€“ this is the 8 epoch cell in the first notebook on resnet-50. GPU is a 1070 max-q.


Resnet50 fine tuning cell resulted in blackscreen first time I tried to run it (just banging through everything) ā€“ backed off on my undervolt to -.175 instead of -.185 and it ran fine. Everything is maxxed when doing this ā€“ all 6 cores and the 1070.

Tried doing this and Iā€™m getting errors. Would be great to see instructions for those who had set up a p2.xlarge on AWS for the v2 version of the course and just want to clone the v3 repo onto this existing AMI. Since AWS permits only one p2.xlarge instance at a time, we will have to terminate the existing instance (and risk losing nbs with work) before signing up for the latest DL AMI.

I am just starting to get my personal system setup for Part 1 (2019) and hit something that others may hit. Installing conda install -c pytorch pytorch-nightly cuda92 does install pytorch-nightly-1.0.0.dev20190127-py3.7_cuda9.0.176_cudnn7.4.1_0, but then when I did conda install -c pytorch torchvision that installed pytorch 0.4.1(!) over the 1.0 install. I found that I needed to --force_reinstall the first command to get 1.0 to show up for me. Hope this helps some othersā€¦

UPDATE: before doing what I suggest here see my post to Lesson 1 Discussion āœ