Unexpected result for Lesson 7 superres-gan.ipynb

Hi. I want to run “Lesson 7 superres-gan.ipynb”. I changed nothing except for “def create_gen_learner():
return unet_learner(dls_gen, arch, loss_func=loss_gen,
blur=True, norm_type=NormType.Weight, self_attention=True, y_range=y_range)”.

The seperate generator and discriminator worked fine. But for the conbined GAN part, there was NO explicit error occured. However, the Loss Fuction went MAD, and the final result was even worse than that from a single generator with only 2+5 pretrained epoch. Here is the training loss table:

epoch train_loss valid_loss gen_loss crit_loss time
0 12596.871094 25337.402344 25337.402344 0.005103 06:14
1 12834.087891 25337.972656 25337.972656 0.003986 06:08
2 12249.953125 25339.482422 25339.482422 0.000229 06:07
3 12877.161133 25339.265625 25339.265625 0.000035 06:06
4 12719.675781 25338.826172 25338.826172 0.000181 06:07
5 12512.574219 25338.322266 25338.322266 0.000594 06:05
6 12442.252930 25339.253906 25339.253906 0.022051 06:06
7 12861.764648 25336.236328 25336.236328 0.013215 06:07
8 12772.199219 25335.718750 25335.718750 0.000296 06:06
9 12471.197266 25334.681641 25334.681641 0.000260 06:06

And here is the corresponding result:

There is no error message in the whole notebook. The only suspicious reminding message was that “UserWarning: You are shadowing an attribute (generator) that exists in the learner. Use self.learn.generator to avoid this
warn(f"You are shadowing an attribute ({name}) that exists in the learner. Use self.learn.{name} to avoid this” in the cell “learn.fit(10, lr, wd=wd)”.

Could anyone help me out? Thanks very much.