Unet_learner() segmentation: inconsistent predictions between fastai and pure Pytorch

Unet/ResNet doing multiclass image segmentation - I only have 2 classes right now, may add more later. I’ve trained the model elsewhere and saved it to disk. Here I’m loading it, and trying to do predictions on a different dataset.

class CustomTransform(DisplayedTransform):
    def __init__(self, resize_dim):
        self.resize_dim = resize_dim

    def encodes(self, x):
        return x.resize(size=self.resize_dim)

src_datablock = DataBlock(
    blocks=(ImageBlock, MaskBlock),
    getters=[ColReader("image"), ColReader("image")],
    item_tfms=[CustomTransform(resize_dim=(input_image_size, input_image_size))],
src_dataloader = src_datablock.dataloaders(src_df, bs=block_size)

src_learner = unet_learner(

I could do predictions one by one, which is slow but works well otherwise:

for i in tqdm(range(src_df.shape[0])):
    output = src_learner.predict(src_df.loc[i, "image"], with_input=True)
     predicted_mask = PILImage.create(output[1])

I could do batch predictions with fastai:

pred_dl = src_learner.dls.test_dl(src_df["image"])
output = src_learner.get_preds(dl=pred_dl, with_input=True)
for i in tqdm(range(output[1].shape[0])):
    predicted_mask = np.array(output[1][i].argmax(dim=0)).astype("uint8")

Or I could try to use plain PyTorch for predictions:

pred_dl = src_learner.dls.test_dl(src_df["image"], bs=block_size)
for i, data in tqdm(enumerate(pred_dl, 0)):
    output = src_learner.model(data[0])
    for i in range(block_size):
        predicted_mask = output[i]
        predicted_mask = np.array(output[i].argmax(dim=0).cpu()).astype("uint8")

The fastai predict() and get_preds() agree on the predictions - the predicted classes are identical down to pixel level.

The plain PyTorch predicted masks are somewhat different. They clearly predict on the same images, so the contours are quite close, but the class values are rather different in terms of pixel count from the fastai methods. The contours are close. The classes may differ quite a lot.

The model weights are the same.

The dataloader is basically the same between fastai get_preds() and plain PyTorch.

I apply the same argmax() for fastai get_preds() and for plain PyTorch.

Another thing I’ve noticed is that the inputs returned by the fastai predict() are basically the source images, whereas the inputs from get_preds() and data[0] from the plain PyTorch loader seem to be images with normalized pixel values.

Anyway, the main question is - what accounts for the differences, and how do I get all three prediction methods to agree on the predictions?

I would check out the implementation of get_preds to compare what all it’s doing vs just passing the inputs directly through the model. I don’t know why the classes are different but the output will likely be different because get_preds applies the final activation from the loss function but I don’t think this should cause issues with the argmax values being different. Another thing I think you’re missing is calling model.eval() before inference and adding the inference to a torch.no_grad context. Hopefully this helps!


@matdmiller You nailed it! model.eval() is the part that was missing. I have not checked the output using assert() but I’ve done visual inspection and AFAICT the predictions are now pixel-level identical between fastai and pure PyTorch.

    del src_learner

loss_func = CrossEntropyLossFlat(axis=1)
model_name = "model_XXX_crossentropy"

src_learner = unet_learner(

pred_dl = src_learner.dls.test_dl(src_df["image"], bs=block_size)
for i, data in tqdm(
    enumerate(pred_dl, 0), total=math.ceil(src_df.shape[0] / block_size)
    output = src_learner.model(data[0])
    for j in range(output.shape[0]):
        yyy = output[j]
        yyy_flat = np.array(yyy.argmax(dim=0).cpu()).astype("uint8")
        # display(Image.fromarray(yyy_flat))

25k images get processed in 1 min 30 sec. I’m sure it could be optimized further. The GPU is an RTX 3090 and it stays at 90% during prediction. The drive is SSD but connected via USB so is capped at 1 GB/s, but I get about 350 MB/s reading during prediction (I know I could get around 850 MB/s if I simply read the files without prediction). The CPU cores still have idle cycles.

So yeah, really nice to be back in the 21th century, performance-wise. :smile: I will use pure PyTorch when I need to do predictions on large datasets.

Thank you so much!

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