Unable to download bluebook-for-bulldozers with Kaggle API

I am trying to download the bluebook-for-bulldozers dataset using kaggle API, but I get the “403 - Forbidden” error,

I did this –

(1) Logged into to my kaggle profile
(2) “Edit Profile” in the right hand top corner
(3) “Create New API token”
(4) Download token in ~/Downloads

(pytorch-gpu) onkar@Curiosity:~/mnt/kaggle/bluebook-for-bulldozers/data$ cp ~/Downloads/kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json
(pytorch-gpu) onkar@Curiosity:~/mnt/kaggle/bluebook-for-bulldozers/data$ chmod 600 /home/onkar/.kaggle/kaggle.json
(pytorch-gpu) onkar@Curiosity:~/mnt/kaggle/bluebook-for-bulldozers/data$ kaggle competitions download -c bluebook-for-bulldozers -w -q
403 - Forbidden
onkar@Curiosity:~/mnt/kaggle/bluebook-for-bulldozers/data$ kaggle competitions download -c bluebook-for-bulldozers -w -q
403 - Forbidden

This is a local/Home system.

Any clues ?

Sorry, my mistake, to download datasets, competition rules have to be accepted. If you have created a new account, there is a phone verification and after that you can accept the competition rule and get started with using the Kaggle API to download the datasets.

Posting the answer in hope that this helps others as well.

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Well I can manually download the data from kaggle, but the api download does not work.


Yes the api download command is not working.

so did the following: -

  • downloaded the data using
    ! kaggle competitions download -c bluebook-for-bulldozers
  • create the directory using
    if not path.exists(): path.mkdir()
  • moved the zip file downloaded to that created directory.
  • then extract files using

you are good to go :om:

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I have also same issue from couple of days any suggestion for this so please reply. Thanks in advance.

Can you please provide a screenshot of this part of the your notebook?

It looks like Kaggle changed the location of the accept rules, it is now appears like a popup for with the accept competition rules button

I’m having a bit of trouble with the kaggle API download. I can still get the data by manually downloading it, but the API isn’t working