Unable to change padding to zeros when using rotation / warp from get_transforms()

I would like to use zeros padding. As I was not seeing a nice way of doing this when calling the following:

db = ImageDataBunch.create(*datasets, path=PATH, bs=bs, ds_tfms=get_transforms(max_zoom=0, max_warp=0, max_rotate=0), size=sz)

I tried making the changes directly in vision/transform.py but regardless what edits I make, I still get reflection padding both when applying rotate or warp.


I also was unable to construct manually whatever get_transforms returns (maybe this way passing mode='zeros' or something along those lines to one of the transforms would work).

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile: Thank you!

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I think get_transforms is more a convenience function, you will probably have to create a list of transforms yourself. You can see in the docs, that e.g. crop_pad has a padding_mode parameter that can be set to ‚zeros‘, the pad transform has the same but there it is simply named mode. The default of the padding parameter seems to be set to ‚reflection‘ everywhere.



Does it work if you pass padding_mode =‘zeros’ in ImageDataBunch.create ?

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Seems that get transforms returns a collection of transforms, the first element being transforms to be applied to the train set and the second to the val set.

Was getting an error earlier (probably due to autoreload) but now it seems I can construct the collection of transforms manually like so:

I still get same results though:

The rotate function dos not accept any arguments regarding padding and it is very straightforwad:

def rotate(degrees:uniform):
    "Rotate image by `degrees`."
    angle = degrees * math.pi / 180
    return [[cos(angle), -sin(angle), 0.],
            [sin(angle),  cos(angle), 0.],
            [0.        ,  0.        , 1.]]

This, through the decorator, actually ends up being an instance of Transform (the function gets passed into the constructor). Now I don’t see anything in the Transform class that could be causing this behavior.

Could it be that when the 3x3 transformation from the rotate function gets applied to the gird, it automatically creates the reflection behavior?

The padding_mode should be passed to the apply_tfms function (which is where everything is done). Unless something is wrong, it’s when you create your data object you can pass it:
data = ImageDataBunch.create(*datasets, path=PATH, bs=bs, ds_tfms=get_transforms(max_zoom=0, max_warp=0, max_rotate=0), size=sz, padding_mode='zeros')


Hah, thats what I just found out from the code. :wink: But this apply_tfms is only used when passing in ds_tfms. What if we want to use ‘regular’ tfms that get used in the DataLoader? What is actually the difference between the two? And can we make the regular tfms also accept the padding parameter?

Thank you very much for your help Sylvain :slight_smile: When passing padding_mode to get_transforms I receive the following error:

I think I am on fastai version from a day or two ago, but will upgrade and see if I continue to get the same error msg.

You need to put the padding_mode outside of the get_transforms func, before/after size=sz I think. It needs to be a kwarg of the create method.

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Thank you very much for your help… and very sorry… I absolutely do not know how I missed this.

Works now :slight_smile:

For all the options, check the docs. We have kittens :wink:

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I just wanted to share my solution when running into padding mode problem using SegmentationItemList class.
Here is my piece of code for databunch init:

codes = np.array(['item', 'background'])

data = (SegmentationItemList.from_folder(path_img)
        .label_from_func(get_mask_filename, classes=codes)
        .transform([tfms, None], tfm_y=True, size=500, resize_method=2, padding_mode='border')`

where my transformations are defined as

max_rotate = 180
max_warp = 0.2
max_zoom = 1.1
max_lighting = 0.5
p_affine = 0.75
p_lighting = 0.5

tfms = [pad(padding=500, mode='border'), 
        rotate(degrees=(-max_rotate, max_rotate), p=p_affine),
        symmetric_warp(magnitude=(-max_warp,max_warp), p=p_affine, invert=False),
        rand_zoom(scale=(1.,max_zoom), p=p_affine),
        brightness(change=(0.5*(1-max_lighting), 0.5*(1+max_lighting)), p=p_lighting, use_on_y=False),
        contrast(scale=(1-max_lighting, 1/(1-max_lighting)), p=p_lighting, use_on_y=False)]

Despite having set padding mode to border in pad and .transform I kept getting reflection padding which lead to incorrect scraps of items scattered around corners after transformations.

The solution to this behavior was modifying the order of transformations for rand_zoom and symmetric_warp from 4 and 5 to 11.

tfms[3].tfm.order = 11
tfms[4].tfm.order = 11

I didn’t find any information in the docs about the effect of transformation order on padding.

After digging into it I found that this behaviour might be coming from here

def _image_maybe_add_crop_pad(img, tfms):
    tfm_names = [tfm.__name__ for tfm in tfms]
    return [crop_pad()] + tfms if 'crop_pad' not in tfm_names else tfms
Image._maybe_add_crop_pad = _image_maybe_add_crop_pad

When the user can’t specify padding_mode in crop_pad() in this part

if resize_method <= 2 and size is not None: tfms = self._maybe_add_crop_pad(tfms)

Thank you for your great work on fastai library
Best regards

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What is the default size of the padding when I do padding_mode = ‘reflection’? Is there a way to change that?

Thank you!