Unable to add local images to fastpages markdown posts

Hi there,

I’m trying to add images stored in the base images folder as shown in the markdown example posts like so:

![](../images/image.jpg "Title")

The images are rendering correctly when viewed in markdown on my Github Fastpages repo but aren’t visible in the blog post.

Is there a way to fix this?

Hey! It looks like in their example, they used a /images to go to the root directory of the project rather than using local path manipulations, ../'s. It also looks like that they used a site.baseurl in there too.

Try running it with:

![]({{ site.baseurl }}/images/image.jpg "Title")
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Also having trouble (July 2021). I appreciate the tip. It didn’t quite work for me because the baseurl wasn’t complete (the root was missing), but I found a solution by adding the following to the _config.yml file:

imageurl: https://<github_user>.github.io/<repository_name>/images>

Then in a Markdown post, you can just add the ‘imageurl’. For example, for an image called img1.png, I would add it to the post as `![] ( {{ site.imageurl }} /<subfolder_if_any>/img1.png)

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