Trouble saving with SentencePiece tokenizer

I had been able to save the TextClasDataBunch and TextLMDatBunch in the past (pickle them) and then restore and overwrite my processor to get that to work. I think that the method of save/load a DataBunch has changed and now I cannot save/load anymore.

This is a full example that reproduces the issue. SentencePiece is a SWIG object, so I understand why/how it cannot be pickled. However, I would like to save all the other data and then insert the SWIG object when I .load() again in the future.

Did anyone else have this problem? Do they have ideas for a solution?

from fastai.text import *
path = untar_data(URLs.IMDB_SAMPLE)
data = TextClasDataBunch.from_csv(path, 'texts.csv')'tmp_data')  ## this works, default example

formatted_text_file = './for_sp_train.csv'
pd.read_csv(path/'texts.csv').text.to_frame().to_csv(formatted_text_file, header=False,index=False,quotechar=' ')

import sentencepiece as spm #

vocab_size = 600
model_prefix = 'basic_example'

                               f' --model_prefix={model_prefix}'\
                               f' --vocab_size={vocab_size}'\
                               f' --model_type=bpe'\
                               f' --unk_piece={UNK} --bos_piece={BOS} --eos_id=-1 --pad_piece={PAD}')

## load up the Processor
sp = spm.SentencePieceProcessor()

## itos from m.vocab file: just read directly and populate the dictionary
itos = {}
with open(f'{model_prefix}.vocab','r') as f:
    for line_num,line in enumerate(f):
        itos[line_num] = line.split("\t")[0]

class CustomTokenizer():
    '''Wrapper for SentencePiece toeknizer to fit into V1'''
    def __init__(self,sp_processor=None,pre_rules:ListRules=None,post_rules:ListRules=None):
        self.sp = sp_processor
        self.pre_rules  = ifnone(pre_rules,  defaults.text_pre_rules )
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "Custom Tokenizer"

    def process_text(self, t:str) -> List[str]:
        "Processe one text `t` with tokenizer `tok`."
        for rule in self.pre_rules: t = rule(t)  
        toks = sp.EncodeAsIds(t)
        return toks 
    def _process_all_1(self,texts:Collection[str]) -> List[List[str]]:
        'Process a list of `texts` in one process'
        return [self.process_text(t) for t in texts]
    def process_all(self, texts:Collection[str]) -> List[List[str]]: 
        "Process a list of `texts`."                                 
        return self._process_all_1(texts)

cust_tok = CustomTokenizer(sp)
sp_vocab = Vocab(itos)
data = TextClasDataBunch.from_csv(path, 'texts.csv',tokenizer=cust_tok,vocab=sp_vocab)'tmp_data_sp')

And here is my error:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-c83934da3d6f> in <module>
      2 sp_vocab = Vocab(itos)
      3 data = TextClasDataBunch.from_csv(path, 'texts.csv',tokenizer=cust_tok,vocab=sp_vocab)
----> 4'tmp_data_sp')

~/fast_ai/fastai-fork/fastai/ in save(self, fname)
    152             warn("Serializing the `DataBunch` only works when you created it using the data block API.")
    153             return
--> 154         try_save(self.label_list, self.path, fname)
    156     def add_test(self, items:Iterator, label:Any=None)->None:

~/fast_ai/fastai-fork/fastai/ in try_save(state, path, fname)
    408 def try_save(state:Dict, path:Path, fname:PathOrStr):
--> 409     try:, open(path/fname, 'wb'))
    410     except OSError as e:
    411         raise Exception(f"{e}\n Can't write {path/fname}. Pass an absolute writable pathlib obj `fname`.")

~/anaconda3/envs/fastaiv1_dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/ in save(obj, f, pickle_module, pickle_protocol)
    216         >>>, buffer)
    217     """
--> 218     return _with_file_like(f, "wb", lambda f: _save(obj, f, pickle_module, pickle_protocol))

~/anaconda3/envs/fastaiv1_dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/ in _with_file_like(f, mode, body)
    141         f = open(f, mode)
    142     try:
--> 143         return body(f)
    144     finally:
    145         if new_fd:

~/anaconda3/envs/fastaiv1_dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/ in <lambda>(f)
    216         >>>, buffer)
    217     """
--> 218     return _with_file_like(f, "wb", lambda f: _save(obj, f, pickle_module, pickle_protocol))

~/anaconda3/envs/fastaiv1_dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/ in _save(obj, f, pickle_module, pickle_protocol)
    289     pickler = pickle_module.Pickler(f, protocol=pickle_protocol)
    290     pickler.persistent_id = persistent_id
--> 291     pickler.dump(obj)
    293     serialized_storage_keys = sorted(serialized_storages.keys())

TypeError: can't pickle SwigPyObject objects

FWIW, I tried this hacky workaround. It did not help out in this case.

1 Like

You should follow the way it’s done for SpacyTokenizer and let the Tokenizer instantiate the tokenizer for you. The function name can be pickled, it’s the object that can’t.


Thanks so much. That worked!

Code for others to reference in the future:

## itos from m.vocab file: just read directly and populate the dictionary
itos = {}
with open(f'{model_prefix}.vocab','r') as f:
    for line_num,line in enumerate(f):
        itos[line_num] = line.split("\t")[0]

class SPTokenizer(BaseTokenizer):
    "Wrapper around a SentncePiece tokenizer to make it a `BaseTokenizer`."
    def __init__(self, model_prefix:str):
        self.tok = spm.SentencePieceProcessor()

    def tokenizer(self, t:str) -> List[str]:
        return self.tok.EncodeAsIds(t)
class CustomTokenizer():
    '''Wrapper for SentencePiece toeknizer to fit into V1'''
    def __init__(self,tok_func:Callable,model_prefix:str, pre_rules:ListRules=None):
        self.tok_func,self.model_prefix = tok_func,model_prefix
        self.pre_rules  = ifnone(pre_rules,  defaults.text_pre_rules )
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        res = f'Tokenizer {self.tok_func.__name__} using `{self.model_prefix}` model with the following rules:\n'
        for rule in self.pre_rules: res += f' - {rule.__name__}\n'
        return res        

    def process_text(self, t:str,tok:BaseTokenizer) -> List[str]:
        "Processe one text `t` with tokenizer `tok`."
        for rule in self.pre_rules: t = rule(t)  
        toks = tok.tokenizer(t)
        return toks 
    def _process_all_1(self,texts:Collection[str]) -> List[List[str]]:
        'Process a list of `texts` in one process'
        tok = self.tok_func(self.model_prefix)
        return [self.process_text(t,tok) for t in texts]
    def process_all(self, texts:Collection[str]) -> List[List[str]]: 
        "Process a list of `texts`."                                 
        return self._process_all_1(texts)

cust_tok = CustomTokenizer(SPTokenizer,model_prefix)#CustomTokenizer(sp.EncodeAsIds)
sp_vocab = Vocab(itos)
data = TextClasDataBunch.from_csv(path, 'texts.csv',tokenizer=cust_tok,vocab=sp_vocab)'tmp_data_sp')