Things Jeremy says to do

Thanks heaps Robert!,
i was trying on colab, the shortcuts dont seem to all work there:

My Progress so far:
Ive got a desktop install of juypiter notebook sort of running now on
It seems to have the colors and the command as you kindly mentioned or I would have been lost.

It seems to open the files/folders of the C: drive.
So I guess I will need a local copy of the lessons.
Where is best if that is right?

I cant figure out how to get it open on the D: drive either yet
this DIDNT seem to open the D: drive for me either =>
c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = "D:"

Thanks for your help.

Hey, glad it helped. Wish I could help more but my knowledge of stuff like this is limited. You should try posting in the Google colab thread here: Platform: Colab ✅.

Also the lessons mostly won’t work for you locally unless you have a gpu and have set it up properly which can be hard. A local jupyter notebook is an awesome place to experiment and write code that runs on a cpu, but won’t work for deep learning unless you have a special setup.

Whatever you do though just stick with it. The first month of every class is filled with these initial setup type headaches and frustration. I hadn’t used jupyter 9 weeks ago and was frequently stuck, now I love it and feel like I know almost all the tips and tricks.

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Did you try CTRL-M then B for insert before cursor and CTRL-M then A for inserting after where your cursor is at?

I have not tried command shortcut for “reset kernel”, tbh, I want to manually do something catastrophic like resetting the kernel that could kill my work, so I avoid even setting the shortcut for that because I could very easily mistype something and kill a perfectly good session.

Thanks for your patience Mike
For some reason I missed the CTRL + M !!

Thanks Robert for the good advice also.

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Hi, I’m in lesson-3, downloading Planet dataset from kaggle.
I’m able to download the dataset but unable to unzip.
I get a syntax error when i tried running this code(as in the lesson notebook).

! 7za -bd -y -so x {path}/train-jpg.tar.7z | tar xf - -C {path.as_posix()}


I’ve copied over the “things” from part 2 to the top post. Thanks @MadeUpMasters!

Thanks very much for this post and summary, very helpful

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Please listen to the end of Lecture 1 from 2020, Jeremy mentions what you need to do.