Hi, I hope you will be able to help me with this issue.
I have recently bought RTX 2060 GPU and installed Deep Learning Libraries in the below sequence:
- Mambaforge using WSL
- PyTorch ==> conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia
- FastAi ==> conda install -c fastchan fastai
And now if I try to run FastAI Vision exercise from the first chapter I’m getting this error “The kernel for ch01.ipynb appears to have died. It will restart automatically”
What I have tried:
Deleted my entire installation and then reinstalled the downgraded PyTorch using ==>
conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.6 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
Updated Numpy
Added this piece of code
import os os.environ["KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK"]="TRUE"
But none of them have worked so far.
Note: I’m facing this issue only when I’m using Vision class…I could run Text learner without any issues (by using GPU).