Thank You Jeremy and Rachel

We greatly appreciate your effort and passion in teaching this wonderful course. This course is the best learning experience I had from any course I have attended so far.


Weā€™ve really enjoyed it too :slight_smile:


Thank you so much! I am looking forward to keep studying the material and to any follow-up projects coming out of this.

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Thank you for everything, Jeremy and Rachel. Your passion and support, the level of attentiveness on the forums, the inclusion of remote and minority participants for free, the wonderful and challenging lessons, the little pushes here and there to take things to the next level, all of this shows how much you care and your commitment to doing this in a big way.
You guys rock!
Iā€™ve gained so much from the courses, I hope I can contribute back.
Thank you!


@slavivanov, you speak from my heart.


@slavivanov spoke for me as well :slight_smile:
There is a ton to catch up though and the directions were so awesome.

Hey Jeremy,
drive that thing with one wheel carefully please!
Deep Learning world needs you! :smile:

Thanks so much for making the course a success. It was great to sit next to you and made it easy to speak into green box :slight_smile:

Looking forward to making baby steps in connecting great theory with practice.



The thing is, in fact called a OneWheel :wink:


Ohhh, it says ā€œpreorderā€!
You have connections!

Haha no - thatā€™s the new ā€˜plusā€™ version. Iā€™ve got the old originalā€¦

Thank you Jeremy and Rachel.
This course has taught me a lot. You both are an inspiration. I wish I can someday solve problems that truly impact the world like you both are.
Looking forward to contribute back :slight_smile:
Thank you


Thank you so much Jeremy and Rachel for starting this course and also sharing your journey candidly with the students as part of lightning talks! It is truly inspiring. Tremendous respect for you both for sharing all the little tricks and teaching us to fish rather than just giving us a fish. The exercise of reading papers and implementing them was especially useful in my opinion. I genuinely wish this community can work together in future again!


Thank you Jeremy and Rachel for your really excellent lectures and content in this course. It really is a treasure for the community and the whole world :slight_smile: I feel privileged to have been part of it and excited about projects and discussions in this space going forwards!

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I also like thank you Jeremy and Rachel for this great course, and especially giving us the opportunity to join remotely with the international fellowship program. Honestly, the value this course gave me as a data scientist was far beyond what I could expect.
I really appreciate your different and bold approach for teaching and knowledge sharing.
I was always looking forward for Mondays, but also frustrated that I didnā€™t complete half of what I planned, hopefully will have some more time now :slight_smile:
I also look forward to engage in projects with people from the community here, because there is just so much to do!

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Agree with everything here! Amazing class. Really accelerated my learning and love the hands on keyboard approach to teaching. Itā€™s gonna still take me many months to work through the backlog of stuff I want to do, but now I know WHAT to do.

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This post slipped my radar but I hope itā€™s not too late to say thank you. The more I talk with industry people the more I recognize over and over again the value of this course and the amazing fastai community. I am fully converted to the code-first approach, ā€œread paper, implement the paper, reproduce the resultsā€ will be my goal for the next few months. I hope to continue to contribute to the community.


Thank you both so much, this has been the best course Iā€™ve taken so far (incl. 7 years of university) and Iā€™ve learned more than I thought was possible. It seemed impossible that Iā€™d be able to replicate some of the mind-blowing deep learning demos and papers you see online and this course has enabled me to exceed them.

I applaud both of you for your earnest care for sharing knowledge.


Iā€™ve been very busy these past few weeks since the course but I wanted to come back and thank both @jeremy and @rachel for providing this amazing resource. I was at a pivotal point in my career as a data scientist and looking to do some retraining and this course reinvigorated my love of both learning and machine learning.

Beyond that it helped me land my most recent job and Iā€™m super excited to remain an active part of the community and to help it grow.

Thanks again and Iā€™m looking forward to hearing about further amazing discoveries and ideas that this cohort spawns.



Posting in this thread as I completed part2 some time ago, but couldnā€™t find the time to thank @jeremy and @rachel enough.

Iā€™ve spent 10 years in universities (bsc, msc, ra, phdā€¦) plus countless MOOCs on various topics but yours was, by far, the most engaging, inclusive, productive and fun!

I totally agree with this comment that Rachel wrote:

it is far better to take a domain expert within your organization and teach them deep learning, than it is to take a deep learning expert and throw them into your organization

Thanks, and looking forward to part 3, part 4, ā€¦, part n :slight_smile:


Jeremy and Rachel,

Thank you. You are giving me the opportunity to delve into my passion and enjoy the ride. For me your course is a real enabler and game changer. The course plan and lectures are fantastic: structured enough to stick to a plan and be productive but disorganized enough to make the learning adventurous. I am deeply thankful to you guys for what you have done (and are doing!). Keep up the good work!
