Text Generation and Beam search

Are there examples (sample code) of text generation implemented in fastai based on ULMFiT (other than simply predict next tokens from language model learner)? I found a few references to beam search:
@bfarzin 's post (Developer chat) and Improving Text Generation and Share your work here ✅ but could not find code examples. Any pointers?

beam_search will be in the next release of fastai (and already is present in master).


This is great news. How do I pass a non-English pretrained files (itos.pkl and lm.pth)? pretrained_fnames is no longer accepted. If AWD_LSTM is specified as arch with pretrained=True, URLs.WT103_1 gets downloaded. I tried copying my files to data/models/ but doesn’t seem to work.

You’re right, that’s missing now, I forgot to put them back there. Will add that tonight or tomorrow.

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Is it feasible to also filter out unknowns in beam search (similar to no_unk=True in learner.predict)?

It’s not implemented yet, but a PR could add that.

Unfortunately, I am still on the code consumer side. I hope to cross the border someday. Right now, my contribution is to appreciate hard work by all those at https://github.com/fastai/fastai/graphs/contributors especially the top ones :slight_smile:

This is very cool stuff. I tried to implement beam search by loading a language_model_learner, training it, then typing this line of code:

data_lm = TextLMDataBunch.load(path, ‘data_lm’, bs=32)
learn = language_model_learner(data_lm, AWD_LSTM, pretrained=True, drop_mult=0.3)
learn.beam_search(‘hello’, 1)

But alas, i am getting this error:
RuntimeError: CUDA error: device-side assert triggered

learn.predict(‘hello’, 1) still works though.

Is there something different i should be doing?

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Try changing the beam size (1000 by default) and try a few words instead of 1. I tried generating movie reviews (kernel: https://www.kaggle.com/abedkhooli/textgen-fastai143/) based on the IMDB dataset and got better results from learner prediction. Beam search may either require parameter tuning or has a cyclic issue in implementation (I am not a movie goer but results have so much repetition to suggest an obvious problem).

one line change + param. I have a PR with this included:
if no_unk: out[:,self.data.vocab.stoi[UNK]] = -float('Inf')

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That’s great, @bfarzin - I guess it’s not merged yet. Have you tested the quality of text generated with beam_search? I am still getting poor results on the IMDB reviews (even compared to learner.predict).
Here are two examples (100 words based on imdb train and test, using wt103_1, start with [‘when’, ‘i really’], temperature=0.75, top_k=10,beam_sz=100). Trying to get rid of the repetition but not there yet:

  1. “when xxbos when i went to see this movie , i thought it was going to be good . i was wrong . The acting was bad , the plot was bad , and the acting was terrible . The only thing that kept me watching was the fact that it was supposed to take place in outer space . In fact , i do n’t know if it was supposed to take place in outer space . In fact , i do n’t know if it was supposed to take place in outer space . In fact”
  2. "i really xxbos i really wanted to like this movie . However , i found it to be one of the worst movies i have ever seen in my entire life . " The English Patient " is one of the worst movies i have ever seen in my entire life . " The English Patient " is one of the worst movies i have ever seen .

SPOILER It happens , you get your first impression when we learn how this film will not go over as long in our life as i can

Is there any chance with ULMFiT to get an impressive result on text generation like the one from openai (https://blog.openai.com/better-language-models/) recently? :slight_smile:


Is there any way to generate the top answers based on he text using beam search

For example
learner.beam_search(‘Hello’, top_probs=5)

Hello thing1 0.95
Hello thing2 0.90
Hello thing3 0.80
Hello thing4 0.75
Hello thing5 0.70

There is no flag for that yet, but just copy-paste the source code and return

[(sep.join(decoder(self.data.vocab.textify([i.item() for i in node[1:] ], sep=None))), s) for node,s in zip(nodes,scores)]
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Looks like the return repeats each node top_k times.
I made a modification of the code to include the 0 item and then skip top_k for the next one to avoid duplicate.

[(sep.join(decoder(self.data.vocab.textify([i.item() for i in node[1:] ], sep=None))), s) for node,s in zip(nodes[0::top_k],scores[0::top_k])]

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Does anyone have ideas for generating text for a certain class? In other words, a way to generate positive and negative reviews?

I tried, for example, generating a bunch of reviews with beam_search, but they ended up being all negative for my starting sequence. Can’t think of a better way to do this right now other than trial and error until a review is predicted positive.

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Looks like the code doesn’t convert back the tokens to their original format.

Is there any method available to convert back from tokens to the “original” text?

No, spacy tokenizer isn’t reversible.

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as @AbuFadl I’m also running into poor results with the beam_search method, they also have a lot of repetitions and are generally less good than with predict.
I’ve tried a lot of different variations of the params (beam_sz, top_k, temperature) with no luck.

Has anyone achieved good results?

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if you would like to fine tune gpt-2 on particular text by retraining the 117m model, I made a colab notebook https://github.com/ak9250/gpt-2-colab

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