Studying In South Bay

Might be too early to discuss tomorrow, should we postpone the meeting to say next Monday?

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We could meet tomorrow and also meet next Monday. I feel it is a little late to cancel the meeting for tomorrow. We can also meet in order to determine the new day for next weekā€™s meeting.

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When you say zero centered did you mean centered by mean or median? My understanding is because you are multiplying the relu activations matrix with a mean of zero then the new matrix will have a an expected mean of zero.

I am not completely sure if I am right and canā€™t easily check because Iā€™m on the train though.

I think you both make great points. @marii & @karthik.subraveti.

Since it is a little late to cancel anyone who wants to attend tomorrow can. Otherwise, we can change the study group to Monday from 6-9 assuming that is agreeable with the majority of the group.

How does that sound?

Sounds perfect to me.

I am not sure itā€™s late to cancel as there are only 5 of us :slight_smile: I personally have no time to go over anything, so I feel it is a waste of time for me to come. If you decide to move to Monday, I am happy to join.

I also fell that Monday would be more productive for and I will join Monday.

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I have some bad news. My apartment complex is still having trouble with its community WiFi so I think an alternative venue will be needed for todayā€™s study group. They do have a tech coming out and said it should be fixed soon -_-

Also I donā€™t have had time to review the video and concepts be to prepared and be able to contribute so I wonā€™t be attending tonight study group but will join on Monday.

I got caught up at work and havenā€™t even seen yesterdayā€™s lecture yet. Iā€™ll also skip the study group today, catch up on the lecture and then join on Monday.

Given that most everyone is chimed in and the the venue has no wifi I guess it makes sense to cancel. @peterk if you could update us on Friday to determine if the wifi is fixed that would be good. If the wifi is not then we will probably have to find a temporary space for Monday.

Sounds good Iā€™ll keep bugging the apartment complex management and let you know tomorrow.

Looks like my apartment complex are still having internet troubles so we will need to find another venue.

Any ideas?

do we really need wifi? Is it for connecting to the TV?

Biggest issue I have without WiFi is being unable to look anything up in discussions. My ability to reference papers and back up any claims was completely gone, completely removing my ability to back up any claims. Worst case scenario, we could meet in the same spot, as I donā€™t think we have any great alternatives at this point. (Every place I have looked at had wanted to charge money)

Hello everyone!

I have some good news. The co-working space wifi is back up. I was able to find a unused ethernet port so even if it does go down again I can plug in a router.

I can host tonights study session.

Monday, April 8th from 6-9pm at 610 E Weddell Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94089.

We meet in the co-working room by the front of the building. We normally sit in the meeting room so if you donā€™t see us just give me a call. The co-working space also has free coffee and cocoa. You are also welcome to bring food if you need to but just be sure to be tidy as it is a community space for everyone in the apartment complex.

There is guest parking in the garage and if that is full there is some space for street parking.

Use the front door of the apartment complex with this virtual key for the intercom system(press the virtual key on the intercom and then hold up the QR code) - Or Call me or text me on my cell phone once you have arrived and I can let you in. 952-250-4121.

Looking forward to seeing and meeting everyone who can attend.

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Wonderful news! I am going to almost copy this and put it in the first post for anyone else who wants to join

Can you review the post at the top to see if everything looks good? Also, ā€œThe co-working space also has free coffee and cocoa.ā€- I believe that I saw that this was a bring your own cup policy, is that correct? Just wanted to be accurate on this point.

Hi Molly,

They have cups and lids but feel free to bring your own.

Looks like the virtual key isnā€™t working. Just call me and Iā€™ll let you in the front door. 952-250-4121

Repository of course notebooks annotated with video links is located here

Please let me know if you have ideas how to improve these annotations.

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