Study group / meetup @ Canggu, Bali

I am Anders, an AI student here at Anyone interested in forming an AI study group or doing a meetup in Canggu/Bali, please let me know.

Im happy to discuss any AI application. My interest include geospatial information, music, illustrations, real estate, cad, web development patterns and more…

Haha @ajthinking, I left Canggu two weeks ago to study fastai in San Francisco! I stayed there for almost four months, too bad we didn’t meet. I briefly spoke with a few people that were interested in ‘AI’ as well (at Dojo), but don’t know if they’re still there. A message in the Dojo Developers group on Facebook might help if you didn’t do so already. Good luck!

Haha oh nooo bad timing!
The dev group sounds great, Ill give it a shot. Thanks! Did meet a couple of data scientists from Dojo already but they were generally more into machine learning…

Anyways San Fran sounds fun, good luck! And let me know if you come back to Bali :slightly_smiling_face:

Wow I am really happy to see your post! I’m in Canggu doing the course right now:) I spend a lot of time in Dojo as well and I would be very interested to do a study group/meetup!

Hey @agata that’s awesome!
Let’s find a time we both can make it and then we can shoot a post to the community as well. Hows your schedule next week? Im available early Monday or Thursday and beyond.

Monday morning works fine for me! I will send you a message.

Bumping thread to let any newcomer know there will be a lunch meetup this thursday 13:00 at Lola’s Cantina Mexicana.

hey guys, still any fastai-related community in Canggu - Bali ? I’m living in Bali (originally from Germany) - would be nice to connect with fellow fastai students :v:

i am intrested in study group