Study Group in Russia (Moscow Timezone)

It seems there is no a separate study group in Russia. Not sure if we really need to create one more thread for UTC+3 timezone. However, if there are people from the western part of Russia following this course, let’s connect here!

I propose to use Moscow Time as a reference time. I guess this timezone should be suitable for anyone living in the western part of the country, including Urals and Siberia.


I think it is ok to have additional thread for students from Russia. I don’t know how many people we have there to make some local meetups, however it is always good to have separate thread for this. Probably, we can use telegram chat for example , to disscuss lessons/ideas/projects/competitions/other issues in russian;)

Hi Joining here from Helsinki. I want to follow some big pack :slight_smile:

Ok, great! We actually can create a private chat here, on forums, if required, to keep all conversations, shared links, etc. on the same platform to make navigation simple.

@wontheone1 Sure, I believe anyone can join any study group which fits their timezone =)

Hi there. I’m in Ashgabat now and this group is closest to me. :slight_smile: Would love to join if possible.


Do we have some organized source for sharing? May be we could use slack for our purpose? Ive created slack channel fastai-v3. We can create as may threads as we need inside it. We can easily discuss code, ideas there. I missed several days due to problem with laptop, so I do some coding only now about lesson1. Idea was to classify film’s trailers by video frames… I got several youtube trailers, using prepared dataset with pair trailer name - youtube id…and used then conv learner for classifying. Here link to github:

and here is link to join slack channel :
What do you think about slack and such idea?

Hello, I just launched a discussion thread on fastai study groups to gather feedbacks from the organizers and participants in order to list the best practices and also to avoid some gaps.

More information in this post. Thank you if you have a few minutes to participate in the discussion :slight_smile: