Study group for the weekend

Just curious whether anyone is up for studying a bit on the weekend in the South or East Bay?

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I’d be up for meeting up on this Saturday afternoon in the East Bay if that works for anyone.

I’m down. The East Bay works for me, too.

Cool where are you guys located? I’m in Fremont. Maybe a starbucks somewhere?

Sounds good. I’ll make a private forum discussion for this. Anyone else, post here for an invite or message me.

The study session went well. Thank you, Ben and Melissa.

Here’s what we discussed:

Here’s the prerequisite for the guide on CNNs:

We met at Au Coquelet in Berkeley.

That’s great! :slight_smile:

@Matthew I just saw this would have love to join. I live in Berkeley too. Can i join your private forum? Would like to try to join the next time you meet.

@dzhwoo Sure! I’ll invite you now.

Hi @Matthew can I be added to the east bay study forum? I would love to join the next one.