If there are any other fastai students in Berkeley or Oakland that would like to meet up to study, please let me know your availability!
I’m over in Walnut Creek, but could make it over to Berkeley / Oakland. What kind of availability do you have over the weekend? (that’d be the easiest for me)
I live in Berkeley. My preferred time would be Sunday morning. Or Saturday morning before 10. The SF study group meets at 10 AM on Saturday(tentatively). So we can meet before 10 AM.
How about Sunday morning 10am at zazzi in Berkeley?
@thesadie heads up, you swapped the link text and href!
Sunday sounds great to me.
That’s perfect for me.
See you both there
Hey I’m also in Berkeley and will try to join on Sunday!
I’m in West Berkeley and I’ll join you guys on Sunday too I normally work from the public libraries West Berkeley branch in case anyone is there as well.
Mates: I’m in Davis, can go down to Berkeley.
But my schedule is entirely determined by train/bus schedules. So maybe see y’all.
Sunday 10 am is perfect
Is anyone already there? I’ll be there in 5 min.
3 of us are here!
Cool thanks! a bit late and see you guys in 5min!
Checking in- seems like people might be a bit busier than usual tomorrow.
Personally I’m behind on getting SSD implemented (I’ve been spending time trying to understand it)- currently I only have multi-task single label classification implemented.
Any interest in doing it over discord / voice chat sound? (It’s an hour travel time each way for me, so getting an extra two hours to work on stuff would be very helpful)
If other people aren’t busy / still plan on going, just disregard me- but yeah just trying to figure out people’s plans.
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I won’t be able to make it.
Anybody interested in (re-)starting a study group in Berkeley / Oakland again for fastai v3 (Part 1)? Meeting on the coming weekend (10/27, 10/28) would be fun!