Sorry if this question is already asked, I’m new, used the search button but I could not find any answer. In lesson 1 is explained:
Step 1 is to get your server set up by following the instruction form the forum or course website. vary in price and speed. The final step will show you someting like this:
I dont understand how to get to this jupyter notebook environment, as I cannot find any instuction on how to set up this jupyter environment working both on the website and the github.
How can I clone the whole repository so that I can see all the notebooks. Now I used Google Collab but is it possible to run all notebooks form here by downloading them one by one?
if you followed one of our tutorials in the previous section, you should have been left in the course folder just click on, just click on nbs and d11
I don’t understand how they can refer to tutorials in the previous section. This is the first notebook they refer to in the first video.
The images in the book correspond to the original Jupyter notebook interface. Colab notebooks are Jupyter notebooks that are hosted by Collab with their own twist on the interface. If you want to have the same interface on the cloud, I think is the only option (?) here: (0.392$/hour)
If you are using Collab to view and run the notebooks, you can do:
File - Open notebook - Github
In the search field type in “fastai/fastbook” and search, click on the notebook you wish to open.