Great idea @arora_aman I was thinking of doing this too. My idea was to do it in a notebook like @muellerzr suggested. So basically have a working notebook and for each line create a bunch of the calls it makes in collapsible cells with documentation in it (similar to @akashpalrecha). Would love to join and help

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I have setup a zoom call here to further discuss:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 664 390 880
Password: 294664

This is also the first time I am trying to setup a zoom call, so please let me know if you are unable to join. The meeting will stay live for the next 4 hours.


I understand @philchu concerns, but I think his concerns/advice ( which are great!) are mainly focused on the “end product” of this study group while we are mainly focused on “diving into FastaiV2 sourcecode”.

Of course, simple and straight-to-the-point blog posts would be more productive and attractive. But I think we are going to figure out as we go what subjects would be great to write about and not just appending our comments to a big blogpost.
For example “How Fastai’s implementation of Resnet is more flexible than you yoga pants”


Not going to lie, I kinda wanna steal that blog title for xresnet :wink: that’s amazing

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Yes, pretty much. By the end of 7 weeks we should have a great understanding of the major applications and also understand how things are done in pure pytorch or python underneath the layers. Very open to suggestions :slight_smile:


I think a good way to do this is split it up by major concepts for each lesson, as the further we go along the more and more code we’ll have to dig through. For example (just to show how it can grow and develop)

  1. Start with cnn_learner which then goes into Learner, groups, etc
  2. Now we get to tabular, we need to do TabularPandas, TabularModel, etc.
  3. Now we’re onto NLP and it’s madness
    (the 1,2,3 is just to show kinda a rabbit hole)
    I think splitting up the smaller-talked lessons (like Rossmann/Adults) into 1 or 2 more blogs discussing a specific sub-part of the library (like TabularPandas) would be extremely benefitial
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You read me better than I read myself (and others).
:rofl: :rofl:

Hi Aman, I’m in Asia timezone and it’s almost bedtime here. I might not be able to join this call today, will catch up this thread later. Regardless, thanks for kindling the fire.

Thanks! That sounds like a great suggestion. Are you available to join the zoom call? :slight_smile:

Sure, give me one moment

:smile: I’m just finishing FastaiV3-part2 and the Xresnet implementation blew me away.
Maybe we can greenlight this idea for this blog post series and co-write it?
Obviously you know the library better than me but we can discuss of a global structure and visuals to produce and split the tasks?

I will join in a few minutes. I’m in another fastai study group :sweat_smile:
Thanks for organising @arora_aman


Excellent, we’ll wait for you.

Thank you, Aman.

Everyone, also please keep an eye out for the SG by Jeremy here:

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That’s fine with me (6pm in France)

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Excellent !


Concerning the organisation of the work, I might have a proposition:

Maybe we could assign each other a specific part of the course’s source code to explore and then each day:

  • Have one of us present and explain what he could understand from the source code (sharing his screen and going through the code and maybe sketches to help understand some mechanics (much like Jeremy does))
  • Have everyone ask questions/comment/correct
  • Discuss of a blogpost subject to illustrate the code discussed or even a mini-project + blogpost.

Much like a book reading club but even more uncool !

Sorry, is the zoom meeting closed?
I’m not able to join it.

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Sorry Sanyam, I just closed the meeting. Give me two minutes and I’ll post an update here on what was discussed and decided.