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Practical DL for Time Series
For those of you interested in Time Series data, I’ve just uploaded a github (more info here) called timeseriesAI where I’ve shared fastai time series code, some state-of-the-art Pytorch models, and a notebook to demo how to integrate everything. You’ll see you can achieve great results in a few minutes leveraging fastai.


Hey, awesome-fastai is live. I think , I can make a projects section there. suggestions welcome. lots of refactoring needed.


Hi all,

I just wanted to share my little test project:

Adapting some code from Lesson 1, I was able to look at images of African Grey parrots, and identify the species: “Timneh” or “CAG” with 82% accuracy.

They look fairly similar, so I’m pleased with this!

I have more exciting ideas following from this which I’ll share if/when they’re coded up!


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In case it is of interest, this cloud detection thing ended up being weirdly useful.
As my goal is to create practical models for each application,
I ended up negotiating with the Cloud Appreciation Society (, training the model on their cloud dataset (over 150 000 clouds, probably largest in the world)
and we used the trained model to add a cloud detector in their Cloud-A-Day app (

The model (single-class 11 categories [10 main cloud types + not-a-cloud], resnet50) is now used daily in production by their members which are “over 46,000 members worldwide from 120 different countries, as of January 2019” which, as a lover of clouds of the physical type, I find pretty cool.

Thank you @jeremy I really appreciate the weird and wonderful things you and the community are doing.


Thank you for sharing @vedran.grcic! :slight_smile: Congrats on the fantastic outcome.

Hi Fast AI Community!

I created Estimate Body Fat -, an AI Body Fat Calculator using the ResNet 50 from Fast AI’s Lesson 2 and own Haar Cascades (for upper body identification).

The reason for creating my own haar cascades was to be able to distinguish between the different sexes. I now truly understand how AI can be ethically challenging firsthand as my first few haar cascades were unable to recognize people from certain ethnicities. Yikes!!! But not to worry, I was able to solve this issue.

To get your body fat percentage, all you need to do is upload a picture like the instructions described. After getting your body fat percentage, you also get tips on how you can lose the fat you don’t need ad a lot more useful information on diet and lifestyle.

I personally began my fat loss journey this year and created this application as to way to keep track of all my progress and motivate myself. Give it a try and let me know if you have any questions.

You can find me on twitter at bruce_rebello


As for the dataset, I did create my own. I hope to keep updating it in the future to be able to produce results that are far more accurate that what I have right now!

Thanks @jeremy and @rachel for these amazing courses!

Hi brebel hope your having a marvelous day!

This app made me laugh no end, it’s the funniest app I have seen on “Share Your Work Here” so Far and its probably got health benefits as well!.

Good Job.

mrfabulous1 :smiley::smiley:

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“Funny how, like I’m a funny guy? What about it makes it so funny?” hehe

Thanks @mrfabulous1 !

I do appreciate it you trying it out and liking it.

Hi brebel hope your well!

I have a funny sense of humor as well.
Reading AI research papers and trying to understand some of the concepts, though enjoyable doesn’t always bring a smile to my face. What actually made me laugh was, I go on holiday with my college mates and since we left college 14 of them have put between 20 and 100lbs, so now I have a tool to help them. When I explained it to them they all thought it was funny.

ps. I run 50km a week so your app gives me a good result.

mrfabulous1 :smiley::smiley:

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Hello :slight_smile: I did a thing :wink: after first lesson. Nothing too much impressive, but small and potential useful if polished. The problem in game development (another hobby of mine) I encountered some time ago is organizing and sorting through vast library of assets. There are multiple levels of the problems, e.g., you can be searching for 3d models of a car or a model of a tree or a good texture of some type. I choose to focus in lesson 1 challenge on the sub-problem of texture classification. E.g., when designing a level one have to find good textures for grass, hills, roads, etc… And it would be helpful if a machine did the tedious job of browsing through my library of images and return me only the ones that I’m searching for.

I have quite a big texture library myself (only the part that I already manually classified is more than 16G of images), but I started “from scratch”, i.e., by creating a new library of textures from google images :smiley:. That task was tedious to say a bit. The resulting dataset is 20 classes, 4723 images. The classes are: bark, cliff, cobblestone, cracked-soil, forest-leaves, forest-needles, grass-dead, grass-green, ice, moss, mud, path, pebbles, plank, red-bricks, roof, sand, snow, white-bricks, yellow-bricks. I cleaned it up a bit, but still the dataset is quite noisy. Here are some example images:

Limiting myself just to more-or-less what was shown in the first lecture I got error rate of 0.157295. This is using vgg19_bn model architecture (after unfreezing the weights). For first attempt on 20-class classification problem I think it’s pretty nice result. The errors I get shows limitations of such approach and highlight some problems in the dataset:

With the most confused classes being:

[(‘snow’, ‘ice’, 16),
(‘ice’, ‘snow’, 12),
(‘mud’, ‘sand’, 10),
(‘moss’, ‘grass-green’, 9),
(‘bark’, ‘plank’, 6),
(‘forest-leaves’, ‘moss’, 6),
(‘mud’, ‘cracked-soil’, 6),
(‘pebbles’, ‘forest-leaves’, 5)]

Was fun playing around with this :slight_smile:

Edit: managed to reduce error rate to 0.11 after applying some of the stuff I learned in lesson 2 :smile:


I was able to use the libraries to build a language model that helped me do two things:

  1. Predict operational failures before the operation actually fails by learning the trends followed by the “pass” usecases and “fail” usecases.

  2. I was able to generate artificial log files by building language models for just the pass usecase and just the fail usecase and then do a <langugage_model>.predict(,n_words=x).

Here is a Medium blog that I just wrote up with the code snippets that I could share (there are some pieces which I could not share as the data has some work specific information :frowning: )

Thank you for being awesome! :slight_smile:


People sometimes take my little son for a girl :baby: As a fun task within lesson 2 I created a model that can distinguish between boys and girls

Generally I did the following.

  • Downloaded 800 baby images from the Google Images (cool idea by the way, thanks @jeremy!)
  • Manually cleaned the dataset (removed clothes without babies, adults etc.)
  • Trained the resnet50 model in Google Colab (one iteration takes just a few minutes)
  • Experimented with learning parameters - accuracy on validation set was ~86-88% which I considered cool :slight_smile:
  • Exported model to .pkl
  • Created a web app for recognition using Starlette and React
  • For 9 random photos of my son the model said 8 of them are of a boy :slight_smile: People in the street have pretty the same accuracy.

The source code of the app (notebook, backend and client) is available here. Feel free to use it for your own deployments :slight_smile:

Thanks for the course! I enjoy it a lot :slight_smile:


Hey, nice project! btw, do you have any opinion on FastAPI? It’s based on Starlette. Haven’t seen many projects using FastAPI. It seems good.

Hi vinayrao thanks for sharing a concise and informative post.

mrfabulous1 :smiley::smiley:

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:+1: @mrfabulous1

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I did a similar thing on softball and baseball and got an accuracy of around 92%

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I created a model for differentiating between logo of different automobile brands. Had 600 training images and 130 validation images across 8 different brands. ResNet34 had accuracy of 96.3% with just a few iterations. Then i tried it with resNet50 which surprisingly even after 100 iterations has accuracy of just 70%. Any clue?
training after unfreezing and after 100 iterations:

Hi. Just came across your post when looking around this super informative thread. Well done on the awesome results! Do you still have the dataset for this challenge? Is it available to share for further research? Thanks.