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Don’t judge a book by it’s cover!
(Let my CNN do it for you :wink: )

I just finished my second project: training a resnet34 on 15 different classes of book covers (:blue_book::closed_book::green_book::notebook::notebook_with_decorative_cover::orange_book:) and I’m super excited to share my results! A few thousand images, a bit of data grooming and architecture tweaking, an hour of training, and it’s pretty stable around 45% accuracy! (Random guessing would be 7%.) I believe a good bit of this is due to me choosing somewhat ambiguous/overlapping classes.

And now for the fascinating results:

  • Easy: Romance Novels and Biographies have an unambiguous stand-apart style

  • Runners Up: Fantasy, Cookbooks, and Children’s Books are pretty straightforward, too
    fantasy cook child

  • Most Confused: Mystery x Thriller x Crime, and SciFi x Fantasy (hard to draw the line sometimes)

  • Hardest: SciFi turns out to be a mechanic more than content, and can scan as many subjects

  • WTF: Western is a genre dedicated to tales of cowboys, but it can also crossover fabulously…

If anyone has suggestions for breaking through my personal accuracy asymptote, I’d love to chat!