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Thank you! Happy to hear that

Hi moein hope your having a wonderful day.
Wonderful work, well written clear, precise and enjoyable!
Cheers mrfabulous1 :smiley: :smiley:


Hey Victor,

Thanks for sharing this. It’s very helpful to me.

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Thank you for your kind words! I’m happy you liked it. Cheers! :smiley:

These look awesome!! Well done – somehow I’d missed the memo of how good GANs are now :sweat_smile:

Yesterday, a new competition was launched on Kaggle. A image classification competition!
I wrote a quick fastai starter that does quite well right now. Hope it is helpful!


Hi ilovescience hope all is well!
As usual great work.

Cheers mrfabuluous1 :smiley: :smiley:

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Here is my attempt. I had to iterate several times before I managed to get it onto production. Thanks for everyone on the forums to help out with the issues.

Here is my github repo. And my app looks like this:

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get rid of the “None” at the bottom. This is because I am rendering the


@ilovescience Thanks for sharing this notebook. Really interesting to look through.
Regarding the Kaggle competition rule of not allowing internet access in this particular competition; I assume that means you couldn’t simply use ‘resnet18’, as an example, like we do in the FastAI lessons because it’s not allowed to download it?

You can use pretrained models. You have to add the model weights as datasets and use them.

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You can add the pretrained model weights to the dataset, and move them to the location that PyTorch/fastai looks for previously downloaded weights. Then, you can use pretrained models without any issue. This is shown in my code as well (under the “model training” section).

That awesome!

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Hi guys!

I finally bought the book and its even better now that my eyes don’t hurt because of my notebook screen.

I decided to start blogging. I managed to setup my blog on github but it’s not ready yet. So, I will share my notebooks for those of you interested in chem and bioinformatics. The goal of this blog is to adapt the fastai book to my specific area of research (cheminformatics).

My first post will be similar to chapter_2, showing how to train a model end-to-end.
But that’s not all! In the notebook we will implement a CNN called Chemception for bioactivity prediction using only images of molecules. No facy features or any kind of important chemical information. The question is: how much chemical information is necessary to train a chemical model?

I hope you like it!

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Hi vijish

Two words = Absolutely Fabulous. Great work a very polished notebook and repository. I ran it myself and the results are excellent.

Thank you very much for sharing.

Cheers mrfabulous1 :clap: :smiley: :clap: :smiley:

Hi everyone,

I made an image classifier for airliners, fighter jets and attack helicopters. I cannot find any sensible reason why I chose this specific area :sweat_smile:

With that said, the results are very good. The source is on GitHub and the model is deployed on Heroku, go and test it folks :slight_smile:

I’ve rambled through the topic and there are pretty amazing applications, congratulations everyone!
Long live fastai!


@VishnuSubramanian, @ilovescience thank you both for replying. I understand and will have a closer look at how that was done in the notebook shared by @ilovescience.

Hey, this is not a deep learning project but nevertheless something I’d like to share. My first blog post, Getting started with
I answer some questions a beginner might have and offer advice I wish I had when I started the course.
I’d be happy if you guys check it out and let me know what you think of it or how to improve it. And if you like it, share it with somebody who’s interested in getting started with deep learning! :slight_smile:


Hi johannesstutz I hope your are having a wonderful day!

I found your blog informative, interesting and enjoyable. I think it would make a great read for any person starting out in AI/ML

AI should not replace humans, it should support them!

Data Ethics

I am really happy you mentioned the above two items, as these to me are probably, two of the most important issues facing humanity in relation to AI.

Great Work

Cheers mrfabuous1 :grinning: :grinning:

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That’s so nice to hear, thank you @mrfabulous1 !

And yes, being aware of the ethical implications of AI is really important in my opinion, and I’m glad that Rachel and Jeremy teach us to ask the right questions.

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