An error occurred (InvalidAMIID.NotFound) when calling the RunInstances operation: The image id ‘[ami-bc508adc]’ does not exist
I have created everything on the eu-west-1 server as intructed for people from Europe, so do I also need to change my region and ask for a p2 instance in euw too ?
I am stuck at installation/aws set up stage.
OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS [in a virtual box 4 GB ram: sand box set up ],
installed anaconda & AWS CLI [ no issues ]
Created AWS account.
set up aws configure…
aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [****************45EQ]:
AWS Secret Access Key [****************v2H5]:
Default region name [us-west-2]:
Default output format [text]:
tried to set up a t2 instance… and later a p2 instance… neither worked out.
this is the error message I keep getting
----start error–
An error occurred (InvalidKeyPair.NotFound) when calling the RunInstances operation: The key pair ‘aws-key-fast-ai’ does not exist
An error occurred (MissingParameter) when calling the CreateTags operation: The request must contain the parameter resourceIdSet
Waiting for instance start…
Waiter InstanceRunning failed: Max attempts exceeded
usage: aws [options] [ …] [parameters]
To see help text, you can run:
aws help
aws help
aws help
aws: error: argument --instance-id: expected one argument
An error occurred (MissingParameter) when calling the RebootInstances operation: The request must contain the parameter InstancesSet
All done. Find all you need to connect in the fast-ai-commands.txt file and to remove the stack call -> common problems -> InvalidKeyPair.NotFound error
both removing rm ~/.ssh/aws-key-fast-ai.pem… and setting up the ssh dir with modified permissions
Peculiarities noted:
the file aws-key-fast-ai.pem was created in the ubuntu file system since the first attempt… however it was empty 0 bytes… always.
the chmod 700 effectively reduced the permissions for .ssh fodler… it was 753 [or higher] before I decided to chmod 700 on the folder.
elastic IP addresses and VPNs are being created in AWS for every run of the setup_t2/p2 script… and yes i am deleting them before the next run/attempt
Instances and Key pairs are not being created/visible at the aws console.
any advice on what I am doing wrong…?
-Rony: India
So this issue is resolved…
Root cause: the aws-key-fast-ai.pem key was a read only file
Try deleting it from the command line… you get prompted "Are you sure you want to delete the read only file… etc etc " hit enter… and you would think you are good to go.
what needs to be done is chmod 777 for the file aws-key-fast-ai.pem
then delete it…
then delete the /.ssh directory in which the above file was [for a good measure]
and then proceed with
cd ~
mkdir .ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
you might need to decrease the batch size maybe here and there but I think you should be able to fit any of the discussed architectures in memory just fine
Hi Ii’m having issues getting AWS CLI installed on my MAC.
I ran
"$ pip install awscli --upgrade --user "
to install it, however, I’m getting
" -bash: aws: command not found "
when I try aws configure or aws --version. I’m guessing this might be because I need to add the path to the executable file to my PATH variable, as suggested in this AWS setup tutorial,, but am having trouble doing so.
Any help or advice on this issue would be greatly appreciated!
I successfully set up a t2 and a p2 instance on AWS, but I was wondering if I can point them both to the same storage volume (so I don’t keep copying files around). Is that possible and if so how would I set this up?
It is possible but not super straightforward I am afraid.
The easiest route is to create a separate volume and be attaching + mounting it as needed. Problem is, when you create an EBS volume you also need to partition it and make a filesystem on it…
Firstly, I have a setup with nvidia gtx 1060 (zotac) with 6 gb vram, 8gb ram and a core i3-6100 processor. Is it possible to create a server using my own pc? Or will be more of a hassle than to have an AWS account?
Also, being from India, should I still opt for US (West)?
If your nvidia card supports CUDA (quite sure it does) you should be good to go.
Are you already running linux? If yes, then getting set up for the course will be relatively easy.
Picking the AWS region will only impact prices (they vary by region) and latency to the server - I would pick the location closest to you that has GPU units. For me, I have to go across the entire Europe to get to my AWS region, but the latency for typing etc is unnoticeable.
I have downloaded the setup files from github and tried bash I get errors that I don’t fully understand why they are happening. I’m new to AWS and will appreciate any help. I am pasting the error below:
###Begin paste
An error occurred (InvalidKeyPair.NotFound) when calling the RunInstances operation: The key pair ‘aws-key-fast-ai’ does not exist
An error occurred (MissingParameter) when calling the CreateTags operation: The request must contain the parameter resourceIdSet
Waiting for instance start…
Waiter InstanceRunning failed: Max attempts exceeded
usage: aws [options] [ …] [parameters]
To see help text, you can run:
aws help
aws help
aws help
aws: error: argument --instance-id: expected one argument
An error occurred (MissingParameter) when calling the RebootInstances operation: The request must contain the parameter InstancesSet
All done. Find all you need to connect in the fast-ai-commands.txt file and to remove the stack call
Connect to your instance: ssh -i /home/venkatesh/.ssh/aws-key-fast-ai.pem ubuntu@None
I am not pasting this – this is the error message I get. I get this message on running bash that I downloaded from GitHub page given in here – after following the instructions given in this introduction video.
Hi, i want to use my own PC as a server, but i don’t really want to install linux in dual boot for now, are there any guides how to set up a server on Windows 10? Thanks