Securing image files in production

Hello all,

In production environment, i have a need to secure/encrypt the image files that are used for training the models. Could you suggest best practices that you followed in your environments.

I would prefer an open source python based solution.


What types of attacks do you want to guard against? Do you have a threat model?

thank you for responding. Regarding threat model, i am trying to get further details. More than guarding against attacks, requirement will be to take care of data privacy.

For now , am using fernet (symmetric encryption), not sure tho whether this is the best way to do it.

More than guarding against attacks, requirement will be to take care of data privacy.

Well, data privacy is just a high-level goal.

Initially you wrote that you want to protect the “image files that are used for training the models” [in a production environment]. Intuitively I’d question why training images have to be present in your production environment at all. I train my models “offline” (on a local machine or in dedicated cloud VMs) without any connection to my actual production environment.