Has anyone successfully try all the swift notebooks on s4tf version 0.6?
They’re part of the continuous integration with s4tf, so yes they should all be fine.
Yup; +1 to what @jeremy said. If you encounter any issues, please do raise an issue here or on the mailing list! Thanks.
Great! I’ll try it out.
\o/ I made the fastai swift notebooks run on my Ubuntu 18.04 laptop!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!
( I messed up my 16.04 kernel so bad, I could not boot from an USB to install 18.04, I was closed out from my computer for 4 hours. )
Caveat: Follow the steps!
Hi, when I run the “01a_fastai_layers” notebook
At the Dense layer’s code I get this:
error: Couldn’t lookup symbols:
if the code should work (I have installed swift and swift tensorflow, and it is working on my Ubuntu 18.04), then I will raise an issue