Running the widget on Jupyter

Hi. I’m currently trying to complete Lesson 2 and I can’t run the widget on Colab. I thought about running the widget on Jupyter and then go back to Colab to finish the rest of the work.

What is the process behind running only the widget on Jupyter? I assume we use some sort of weights to upload for the widget to work on another notebook.

If this is the Image Cleaner widget, it should tell you to not run that on Colab, or else it will crash. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Try skipping the code and see how it goes.


It doesn’t work on Colab. That’s why I’m trying to figure out a work around. Someone suggested using the local Jupyter notebook to just run the widget and migrate the outcome to Colab. I’m trying to learn the process behind that.

Got it. Good luck!

@DArXToRm24 and @oo92 see the Platform: Colab post. We have a workaround to using Jupter with Colab

Is it by using ClassConfusion?

ClassConfusion is in the fastai library as well. It runs in Jupyter.

Right but has the issue been resolved? In any case, I’m using the Jupyter Notebook on Paperspace to complete the tasks.

@oo92 I think you’re getting confused here. We’re running native Jupyter using Colab, not Colab’s Jupyter environment.

Oh ok. My apologies.